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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 2251 - 2294 of 2294 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Bant Nexus Carter Newman SCG Open Standard - Indianapolis - 01/27/2019 33rd-64th 1/28/2019
Sultai Midrange Collins Mullen SCG Open Standard - Indianapolis - 01/27/2019 17th-32nd 1/28/2019
Four-Color Gates Mason Clark SCG Open Standard - Indianapolis - 01/27/2019 17th-32nd 1/28/2019
Bant Nexus Cain Rianhard SCG Open Standard - Indianapolis - 01/27/2019 33rd-64th 1/28/2019
Bant Ooze Sad Panda 187 1/28/2019
Bant Nexus RNA Steven D 1/27/2019
Simic Nexus Sad Panda 187 1/27/2019
me Matu911 1/27/2019
Temur Nexus Stokens 1/26/2019
Simic +1/+1 hjwh92rydhujaikdhbhns 1/25/2019
Gates Control arcto 1/25/2019
Gates.dek Yuuya Watanabe 1/25/2019
Value Gates Remastered Maestro 1/24/2019
Temur Fog Andy_Peters 1/24/2019
Bant Ooze zkiihne 1/24/2019
Bant Gates gaffff 1/24/2019
Temur Dragonwalkers velocirabbit 1/24/2019
Temur Dragonwalkers velocirabbit 1/24/2019
Temur Walkers54 velocirabbit 1/24/2019
Temur Walkersasdfsa velocirabbit 1/23/2019
black/Green/Blue amark18 1/23/2019
4C Gates lets 1/23/2019
Gates of Temur kcrameidref 1/23/2019
Four Color Gates Wedge 1/23/2019
Gates FanaticofDomri 1/22/2019
Turbo Lands quose_stain 1/22/2019
Este eca 1/21/2019
Maze End addishon jkiller 1/21/2019
ooze ascendanscy Great memes 1/21/2019
Oozeiduplicate JagMasta 1/20/2019
4-Color Gates Trash_Husbando 1/20/2019
Gate Deck Wins Meticulous 1/20/2019
Temur Midrange (First day Ravnica Allegiance) Collin 1/18/2019
It's Evolution Baby R.O.B 1/17/2019
Temur Gates BeastLee 1/17/2019
Temur Gates Reclamation BeastLee 1/17/2019
Temur Ramps john doe 1/16/2019
Temur Ramp Seth Manfield 1/16/2019
simic ramp Awsomeator1997 1/14/2019
Deep-Sea Tribal RevenantSoulz 1/14/2019
BANT 2.0 MID Range Jakeyshakedown 1/13/2019
BANT MIDRANGE Jakeyshakedown 1/13/2019
Nexus Storm Noah Westman 1/10/2019
Bant Wilderness Nexus MoxMoonstone 1/9/2019

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