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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 9051 - 9100 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
GreenNivmagus (help) Ephraim 11/9/2012
EDH jakerblackwolf 11/9/2012
Niv-Magus Delver grensley 11/8/2012
Mean Green MetabolicHigh 11/8/2012
Jhoira of the Ghitu RoyalVampire 11/8/2012
Angus Filibusting Caps WriterofWrong 11/8/2012
sliver SuperN00b 11/8/2012
Doomsday princezeppa 11/7/2012
Karstan's Highlander telcontar 11/7/2012
Niv-Magus Aggro heybullfrog 11/6/2012
Death and Taxes Daniel Foster 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - St. Louis - 11/4 9th-16th 11/5/2012
crovax budgeted gormesh 11/4/2012
Painter's Stone MichaelErvin 11/4/2012
Avacyn, Angel of Nope CommissarKharn 11/2/2012
Budget B/R KingCrow 11/2/2012
R/B CControl 11/2/2012
mono blue (comments help) Assassin2027 11/2/2012
Land Destruction Sircumference 11/2/2012
Eye of my storm Teh_Dave 11/2/2012
Isperia the Inscrutable ongchinkai 11/2/2012
trostani DrNinjaBot 11/1/2012
Mono Red Hurts Bobby12094 11/1/2012
Azorius Prison Control WriterofWrong 11/1/2012
Trostani and Her Angels thegreatsam 10/31/2012
Omnath, The Mana Ramp ThaJokerWild 10/31/2012
Burn the World! adoseofpain 10/31/2012
Guttersnipe Gets His Wish Prepostasaurus 10/30/2012
Burn Grow Frostywolf359 10/30/2012
Naya's Force epichighfive 10/29/2012
uw alex2004 10/29/2012
Bant Fog Planeswalker EDH Zylmer95 10/28/2012
Verdigris Tsunami Ninjay 10/28/2012
Angelic Sanctuary epichighfive 10/28/2012
RUG Delver Alrick 10/27/2012
Kemba's Conviction PossessedAeon 10/27/2012
Dragonaut Trix Drakoshaman 10/26/2012
Collection Ravnica Bobzilla 10/26/2012
Izzit Delver? yamacool 10/26/2012
bad elemental! angelsjeffrey 10/25/2012
Progenitus EDH ftw Zachith 10/25/2012
Angus Mackenzie HugFog Jack Thompson 10/24/2012
Nivmagus Aggro Gerry Thompson Pro Tour Return to Ravnica 10/24/2012
Ob Nixilis, the Fallen goren333 10/23/2012
Isperia, Supreme Judge goren333 10/23/2012
Sliver Legion EDH bforbradley 10/23/2012
Amurika oldyeler59 10/22/2012
Niv aggro Floatwall 10/22/2012
Jhoira of the Ghitu EDH mishio 10/22/2012
U/G Vig Bobboyjoe 10/22/2012
Elemental Wrath raistlin01 10/22/2012

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