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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 2001 - 2050 of 8158 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
[Modern] Niv-Infect rigval 4/15/2013
aaaaaaaaa ohko 4/14/2013
Retro Infect World Ablaze 4/7/2013
sword affinity Twiztid121212 4/6/2013
High Priest of Penance $$ aN1x 4/1/2013
Cheap Mana Murder Broski194 3/29/2013
elemental combo xaxel 3/29/2013
Mono Green Infect purpleness 3/25/2013
High Priest of Penance aN1x 3/25/2013
legacy UW delver aalistor 3/20/2013
Nivmagus Speed boros ewok 3/16/2013
temperedtempo nmiller1234 3/9/2013
Flippin Delver Diroko 3/3/2013
Cube emopizza 2/27/2013
Elves AngelisIronMan 2/26/2013
UR CControl 2/24/2013
Budget Livewire Infecy Leondo 2/22/2013
Golgari Infect CControl 2/22/2013
GW Aggro Evan Wagstaff 2013 StarCity Open Legacy - Cincinnati - 2/17 5th-8th 2/19/2013
Playing With Death kcmtg 2/17/2013
Nivmagus Combo Unnknow 2/9/2013
Turn 3 Win Izzet guruguru2 2/9/2013
High Pestilence Skit aN1x 2/8/2013
Gruul demonicvoid 2/7/2013
RUG Instant Kill poupy9 2/7/2013
Illusions João Eduardo 2/6/2013
Price Check! bobby103 2/1/2013
Modern Cheeri0s Zinco 2/1/2013
izzet jerb3 2/1/2013
Mono Green Infect kittyninja 1/30/2013
Cheeri0s serenechaos 1/24/2013
Nivmagus Combo EMTE (7th Place) MTGO Modern Premier - 1/14/13 5th-8th 1/24/2013
Budget elemental combo fogbean 1/11/2013
Elemental combo nickles 1/10/2013
GW Aggro Thomas Eirdam 2013 StarCity Open Legacy - Columbus - 1/6 9th-16th 1/10/2013
Mono Green Infect AParkedCart 1/10/2013
UB Infinite Mill (gtecra) yurist 1/8/2013
g/r aggro yahwa 12/31/2012
Niv-Storm dukeboy36 12/24/2012
Boros Humans Blueleppard 12/20/2012
Blue Green Delver camglegg 12/18/2012
Infect OmallysAlley 12/11/2012
maguscacaczxc peytonzilla 12/10/2012
white/green delver amak80 12/9/2012
u/b suicide optimusdies 12/5/2012
Elemental Midrange Mark 3 Vhyxalas 12/5/2012
infect stompy thenegator 12/4/2012
elementals mark13093 12/2/2012
UB tempo mark13093 12/2/2012
Infect-ish nerd13 11/30/2012

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