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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1551 - 1600 of 3783 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
edh MattBat27 11/27/2016
Damia, Sage of Stone Trial // Tribulations 11/23/2016
Derevi's Flock Millon 11/19/2016
Jund wre 11/13/2016
Thar Smashes DLove519 11/11/2016
Mono G 11816 riseXabove 11/9/2016
yisan edh LeeInfy 11/7/2016
Tribe Fungal AgentAlaska 10/26/2016
Freya 102516 riseXabove 10/24/2016
Cube Raum_ 10/20/2016
TnN zerodyme 10/19/2016
Derevi The card lock Stin 10/19/2016
Mono G EDH riseXabove 10/14/2016
Freyalise EDH(2) riseXabove 10/12/2016
Casual Green BradR 9/20/2016
Doran EDH evantide 8/9/2016
mono green sourdiezel 6/25/2016
Glissa, the Traitor skull34life 6/12/2016
GRWU Titan mvpxdefuse 6/11/2016
Heartbeat combo thewildasian 5/20/2016
Counterpunch Tristamicus 5/18/2016
Tooth & Nail blubberberg 5/17/2016
Flip Mode Squad NRGBlast 5/15/2016
Glissa Stax d3@th 5/14/2016
Mono-Green Devotion Uegjo MTGO Modern League (5-0): 5/9-5/15 5/12/2016
Mayael EDH sumopdude 5/10/2016
RG flameshadow blueballs 5/7/2016
Derevi d3@th 4/26/2016
doran SORCelement 4/15/2016
The Gitrog Monster Combo JAmes72899 4/12/2016
EDH Marath v1.1 to_arm 4/5/2016
Thrun Beat Down SORCelement 3/24/2016
uril in trouble d3adrav3n777 3/23/2016
Naya syntheticaprio 3/21/2016
Omnath mr_riichi 3/21/2016
Scapeshift Purple_Rain MTGO Modern Daily (4-0): 3/14-3/20 3/16/2016
Rhys Elf Tribal FreeloaderMC 3/12/2016
red/green bblais86 3/7/2016
Riku storm kemcl1989 3/6/2016
Omnath 2016 WriterofWrong 2/21/2016
Land 2 Maulcze 2/17/2016
SQUIRREL INFINATE Treethetroll 2/12/2016
Omnath, Locus of Rage josh_ae 2/10/2016
Maelstrom Wanderer captainfreddy 2/10/2016
Through the Breach Scapeshift Scott Lipp 2/10/2016
Through the Breach Scapeshift Paul Yeem Pro Tour Oath of the Gatewatch: 21-23 points 2/10/2016
BG Death Cloud igot8001 2/8/2016
Modern Tooth and Nail jordanc86 2/8/2016
Tooth and Nail Valiz MTGO Modern League (5-0) - Week of 1/29/16 2/3/2016
GREENPOWER Jelani 1/25/2016

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