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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 551 - 599 of 599 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Temur Midrange Einar Baldvinsson 2014 Grand Prix Stockholm - 10/25 2nd 10/29/2014
Sultai Dredge Joseph Behrens 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Minneapolis - 10/25 9th-16th 10/29/2014
Temur Midrange Dan MacMillan 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Minneapolis - 10/25 9th-16th 10/29/2014
Abzan Aggro James Allen 2014 TCGplayer.com MaxPoint Championship 9th-16th 10/26/2014
Abzan Aggro Alexander Ball 2014 TCGplayer.com MaxPoint Championship 10/26/2014
temur ferocity d3adrav3n777 10/26/2014
Sultai Midrange NP-complete 10/25/2014
temur tempo/control michaelapollo 10/22/2014
Overrun EDH snipes1191 10/21/2014
Temur Midrange Brian Kibler 2014 Grand Prix Los Angeles - 10/18 9th-16th 10/21/2014
Abzan Aggro Jason Reed 2014 Grand Prix Los Angeles - 10/18 9th-16th 10/21/2014
Abzan Aggro Isaac Sears 2014 Grand Prix Los Angeles - 10/18 5th-8th 10/21/2014
Abzan Aggro Tamada Ryoichi 2014 Grand Prix Los Angeles - 10/18 5th-8th 10/21/2014
Rug Monsters Ricky Life 10/20/2014
Athreos' Abzan Circus ArcRaven 10/20/2014
Abzan Aggro gtyjackets0003 10/20/2014
Abzan Aggro Jason Burkhart 2014 Standard State Championships - Florida 5th-8th 10/20/2014
Abzan Aggro Dustin Flora 2014 Standard State Championships - Florida 3rd-4th 10/20/2014
Jund Aggro Khelok 10/18/2014
Temur Aggro Khelok 10/18/2014
Timmy's Temur Toolbox clackityclack 10/16/2014
Temur monsters TeamRocket 10/16/2014
Abzan aggro bass1035 10/15/2014
Temur Monsters Paragonz 10/14/2014
Monogreen Devotion Ruben Reyes 2014 Standard State Championships - Alaska 2nd 10/13/2014
Abzan Aggro YokiDragon 10/13/2014
abzan aggro buonoxc 10/13/2014
Abzan Aggro Mike Sigrist Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir 3rd-4th 10/13/2014
Abzan Aggro Nippon 10/11/2014
BG KAHNS TeamRocket 10/11/2014
Abzan Aggro Ferris Esposito 2014 Standard State Championships - Illinois 1st 10/8/2014
Abzan Midrange Matthew Darnell 2014 Standard State Championships - Wisconsin 5th-8th 10/8/2014
GW Midrange Michael Beichner 2014 Standard State Championships - South Carolina 5th-8th 10/8/2014
RG Midrange Dan Tracy 2014 Standard State Championships - New Jersey 3rd-4th 10/6/2014
Temur Tempo michaelapollo 10/1/2014
Temur Chord Ramp clackityclack 10/1/2014
Monogreen Devotion Sam Jakimovski 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 9/28 5th-8th 9/30/2014
RG Midrange Andrew Ziggas 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 9/28 9/30/2014
Sultai Deathtouch JWaterhouse12 9/29/2014
RG Kahns TeamRocket 9/28/2014
5 Color warrior kagemaster 9/27/2014
GBw AA TeamRocket 9/26/2014
GB KAHNS TeamRocket 9/26/2014
Abzan Aggro Mercurio 9/25/2014
Abzan aggro TeamRocket 9/24/2014
Abzan Aggro ArcRaven 9/20/2014
Golgari Mid Range decepticreep 8/11/2014
League Jund Dragons Chisgule 8/7/2014
Overrun EDH List snipes1191 7/15/2014

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