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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 151 - 200 of 2686 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Alela, Artful Provocateur | The Commander's Quarters The Commander's Quarters 1/29/2020
Alela, Artful Provocateur - Upgraded | The Commander's Quarters The Commander's Quarters 1/29/2020
Alela, Artful Provocateur | CQ Early CQ Early Access 1/28/2020
Alela, Artful Provocateur - Upgraded | CQ Early CQ Early Access 1/28/2020
Budget Mono-Blue Tron ($240) Emma Partlow 1/28/2020
Jhoira EDH MunsuLight 1/26/2020
Kyle buy list danielSolomon 1/19/2020
trade wants from abyssus Way-Groovy 1/16/2020
Steve list danielSolomon 1/15/2020
8 post blue Yan 1/14/2020
S02E09 - Jhoira Playing With Power MTG 1/14/2020
Kykar Vehicles Dexxi 12/20/2019
UB Mill NebErtnac 11/27/2019
Urza $100 Budget EDH Deck Tech BudgetCommander 11/27/2019
[cEDH] Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain Bleargh! 11/26/2019
Izzet Fiend Broximus Prime 11/6/2019
Jhoira Jank Mero 11/1/2019
S03E04 - Jhoira Playing With Power MTG 10/22/2019
Faeries hitum 10/16/2019
Twiddle Storm Emma Partlow 10/14/2019
Jhoria artifact storm Akaan 10/11/2019
Ad Nauseam oga828 10/9/2019
Storm Daniel D'Amato SCG Team Constructed Open Legacy - Philadelphia - 10/06/2019 9th-16th 10/7/2019
Affinity Ryan Gassaway SCG Team Constructed Open Modern - Philadelphia - 10/06/2019 5th-8th 10/7/2019
Storm Kyle Fitzsimmons SCG Team Constructed Open Legacy - Philadelphia - 10/06/2019 5th-8th 10/7/2019
Mill resolute88 MTGO Modern League 5-0 - 10/01/2019 10/3/2019
Esper Fae-Blade Goon Sharp 9/11/2019
Metal Jhoira Metalmarker 9/6/2019
Modern Lejay Turns 9/18 BoomBoomStormCloud 9/5/2019
modern affinity Brian Harnish 9/2/2019
Paradoxical Outcome Deunan MTGO Vintage League 5-0 - 08/18/2019 8/28/2019
Grixis Delver Broximus Prime 8/13/2019
Merfolk Ben Bauer MagicFest Minneapolis 2019 9th-16th 8/12/2019
Izzet Phoenix Myaccount 8/3/2019
W/U Control Larry Coleman Mythic Championship Barcelona 2019 7/28/2019
Powdered Cheerios Meryn 7/24/2019
Storm Dave Brandt SCG Classic Legacy - Philadelphia - 07/21/2019 9th-16th 7/22/2019
Storm Kyle Fitzsimmons SCG Team Constructed Open Legacy - Philadelphia - 7/21/2019 9th-16th 7/22/2019
Esper Mentor lilnebbstar 7/22/2019
Oona, Queen of the Fae EDH Pnakotic 7/20/2019
Mu/white control SebastianSnek 7/14/2019
Echoing Urza Ftzz 7/12/2019
jonah's peril MR dewitt 7/7/2019
U/W Spirits (Modern) HeavensKnight 7/3/2019
Storm Jason Yanity SCG - Classic Legacy - Pittsburgh - 06/30/2019 3rd-4th 7/1/2019
4C Gifts dukkup 6/25/2019
W/U Control SoulStrong 6/12/2019
W/U Control Nick Moore SCG Invitational Modern 2019 9th-16th 6/9/2019
Cheerios Seth Manfield 5/2/2019
Cheerios Luke Mulcahy Mythic Championship London 2019 17th-32nd 4/28/2019

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