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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 251 - 300 of 304 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Mono Black Controll clockworknoir 3/14/2008
ThoughtSiege azurewraith 11/20/2007
Phyrexian Plans zenire 11/12/2007
Rakdos Plans zenire 11/5/2007
Sliver WRB Domo604 11/3/2007
2007 States - 2nd Tim Woodside 2007 States Prince Edward Island 2nd 11/1/2007
Teachings Jonathan Brown 2007 States Texas 11/1/2007
Teachings Brandon Nelson 2007 States Utah 11/1/2007
2007 States - 5th Tommy Arnold 2007 States Indiana 11/1/2007
2007 States - 6th Korey Mcduffie 2007 States Georgia 11/1/2007
Teachings Manuel Bucher 2007 Grand Prix Florence, Italy 5th-8th 9/10/2007
Teachings Rasmus Sibast 2007 Grand Prix Florence, Italy 5th-8th 9/10/2007
Teachings Mido Kagawa 2007 Grand Prix Florence, Italy 3rd-4th 9/10/2007
Linessa's Teachings midnightz 9/5/2007
Relic Teachings Luis Scott-Vargas 2007 Grand Prix San Francisco, CA 1st 8/27/2007
Relic Teachings Paul Cheon 2007 Grand Prix San Francisco, CA 5th-8th 8/27/2007
Relic Teachings Paulo Vitor 2007 Grand Prix San Francisco, CA 3rd-4th 8/27/2007
ub control crazy stumps1027 8/23/2007
Jud's UB Control xjudicatorx 8/21/2007
Teachings Michael Bernat 2007 GenCon TSB Championship 5th-8th 8/20/2007
Teachings Sam Black 2007 GenCon TSB Championship 1st 8/20/2007
CounterSpell h0ust0n 8/9/2007
Ren & Stimpy h0ust0n 8/4/2007
2007 PTQ Valencia - 1st Place Jim Davis 2007 PTQ Valencia Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1st 7/21/2007
2007 PTQ Valencia - 4th Place Ian Kerr 2007 PTQ Valencia Vancouver, British Columbia 7/21/2007
2007 PTQ Valencia - 2nd Place Sebastian Denno 2007 PTQ Valencia Vancouver, British Columbia 2nd 7/21/2007
2007 PTQ Valencia - 5th Place Brian Heine 2007 PTQ Valencia Lubbock, Texas 7/21/2007
Teachings Gerry Thompson 7/13/2007
5C Victory Olivier Ruel 2007 Grand Prix Montreal, Canada 9th-16th 7/11/2007
WUB Mesa Control tumultuous 7/8/2007
2007 PTQ Valencia - 2nd Place Gabe Walls 2007 PTQ Valencia Columbus, Ohio 2nd 7/7/2007
2007 PTQ Valencia - 7th Place DJ Kastner 2007 PTQ Valencia Columbus, Ohio 7/7/2007
2007 PTQ Valencia - 4th Place Brandon Scheel 2007 PTQ Valencia Minneapolis, Minnesota 7/7/2007
2007 PTQ Valencia - 3rd Place Jon Swearingen 2007 PTQ Valencia Columbus, Ohio 7/7/2007
2007 PTQ Valencia - 6th Place Matt Hanson 2007 PTQ Valencia Minneapolis, Minnesota 7/7/2007
Barren Glory Jonathon Loucks 7/3/2007
Teachings Peter Csampai PTQ Valencia, San Deigo CA 6/30/2007
UB Teachings Mateus Marr PTQ Valencia, San Deigo CA 6/30/2007
2007 PTQ Valencia - 3rd Place Michael Bernat 2007 PTQ Valencia Indianapolis, Indiana 6/30/2007
2007 PTQ Valencia - 3rd Place Adam Thorn 2007 PTQ Valencia Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 6/30/2007
2007 PTQ Valencia - 7th Place Curt Huff 2007 PTQ Valencia Richmond, Virginia 6/30/2007
2007 PTQ Valencia - 1st Place Gerry Thompson 2007 PTQ Valencia Indianapolis, Indiana 1st 6/30/2007
mono black monster morgoth_cl 6/4/2007
MBC manowar 5/18/2007
UB Control Christian Flaaten 2007 Pro Tour Yokohama 4/22/2007
Firemane Control H.Prostate 3/22/2007
UB Control Alex Bartel 3/22/2007
Braaaainssss thedevil 3/19/2007
Black Beats WolfMaster388 3/14/2007
Soul Stealer thedevil 3/13/2007

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