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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 451 - 500 of 508 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Land Destruction xevious 12/3/2008
Junds Commands doncerdo 11/30/2008
Realm Razor Ramp GoblinToken 11/25/2008
B/R Blightning Roberto Castro 2008 State Champs - Massachusetts 3rd-4th 11/22/2008
3rd - 4th Arthur Stewart 2008 State Champs - Arkansas 3rd-4th 11/13/2008
Jund random spindoctor 11/6/2008
momoR Gobo low budget horsti 10/30/2008
Ajani's L/D handddong1 10/15/2008
red burn FTW!!! mag1c_master 10/15/2008
This is MUTAVAULT!!!!!!!! SGTslappy 10/12/2008
rb land destruction qaiden1 9/25/2008
Mono red stuffy doll burn GeneralGrievous 9/15/2008
W/R Lando rpg_player1 9/7/2008
RUGW Toast counterbob 9/5/2008
Redlands general_varchild 8/12/2008
big bishes lamo 8/11/2008
The Nuck's ListenGood 8/7/2008
Flying flame snaper 7/31/2008
LBC - RDW Joker4515 7/21/2008
G/R Ramp Codyxcore 7/18/2008
R/G midrange help!!! jarion 7/1/2008
BLOCK Toasties done right Dumbguy 6/20/2008
Kithkin Red Aggrontrol blsmbkr 6/19/2008
B/R Turbo Visions balistafreak 6/17/2008
DDM Babieman 6/17/2008
Red Deck Loses Budget insignificantwrangler 6/12/2008
red burn pampanga 6/2/2008
Stuffy! Bloodredrevolt 5/26/2008
red deck BURNS!!!! gunit413 5/23/2008
GR Block Ramp -- LBC Falkor 5/21/2008
Feed the Dead insignificantwrangler 5/17/2008
Rakdos Select Submariner 5/7/2008
Red/white combo fire maxprica 5/1/2008
Elemental Ponza MouZeY 4/30/2008
Land Control robsalot1 4/23/2008
(: bonnipink 4/21/2008
Shaping a Path Falkor 4/6/2008
R/G Warriors for LBC RoninX 4/1/2008
Elementals for LBC RoninX 4/1/2008
Command Line midi2304 4/1/2008
Can I Take Another Turn? jquizzl3 3/30/2008
Landshaft Design NikaReijii 2/6/2008
Elemental Beatdowns smittles 2/1/2008
red krahmon 1/27/2008
Life Gain Burn redrabtfoot 12/10/2007
land ho Mtg Fan 1818 12/6/2007
R/W/U Land Destroyer denton222 12/5/2007
NewplayersEle'deck NJGMAN1980 12/5/2007
Lovisa Aggro(Comment Plz) denton222 11/19/2007
Giant Freakshow lostnaga 11/17/2007

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