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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 401 - 450 of 508 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
BR Discard Limitedmoon06 9/14/2009
R/B Megrim Dreams Defacto 9/13/2009
UBR Discard Limitedmoon06 9/12/2009
Turbo Burn lordbahj 9/2/2009
Pain Draw farsickle 8/29/2009
B/R control Apollo 8/26/2009
Burning Inquiry skyguy 8/25/2009
Repliburn rivanyasi 8/17/2009
Big Burn lordbahj 8/15/2009
B/R burn and draw likeOMGGGGGGGG 8/13/2009
BlackRedCrazy Kebert 8/11/2009
megrim Guttzz 8/9/2009
1M1K t5mith 8/8/2009
Grixis Pain Draw raiyuto 8/6/2009
Josh 3 Holdren 8/5/2009
5 Color Cascade Mario Flores (Niño) 2009 Nationals: Mexican 5th-8th 7/30/2009
Nayascape Dead Lions 7/23/2009
fraggro eden 7/22/2009
Spiteful Inquiry GoblinToken 7/20/2009
megrim vagariousdragon 7/19/2009
Mana Ramp Alexander Privalov 2009 PTQ Austin: Moscow II, Russia 1st 7/7/2009
cascade land destroy phantom 7/6/2009
5 Color Cascade Carlo Tognini 2009 PTQ Austin: Milan, Italy 2nd 7/6/2009
5 Color Cascade José Joaquín Torreblanca 2009 National Qualifier: Valencia, Spain 2nd 6/30/2009
5 Color Cascade Geoffrey Siron 2009 Nationals: Belgium 5th-8th 6/30/2009
Burn 175grams 6/21/2009
Cascade of Tears GoblinToken 6/19/2009
5 Color Cascade Diego Crucius 2009 Gran Prix Sao Paulo 5th-8th 6/15/2009
Card raw HarryFurAlle 6/11/2009
Spiteful Assault rpg_player1 6/8/2009
Mana Ramp Steven Gardiner 2009 National Qualifier: Winnipeg, Canada 1st 5/28/2009
Rogue Tanner Lange 2009 Regionals: Atlanta, USA 5th-8th 5/23/2009
R/G Beats James Corbett 2009 Regionals: Detroit, USA 1st 5/22/2009
Mana Ramp Greg Hatch 2009 PTQ Austin: San Diego, USA 3rd-4th 5/14/2009
Jund agro control newbob469 5/5/2009
R/G Ramp general_varchild 4/23/2009
RAWR! ifonly 4/16/2009
Boat Brew Simon Schmeußer 2009 National Qualifier: Erfurt, Germany 3rd-4th 4/4/2009
Swans Michael Frilund 2009 National Qualifier: Lyngby, Denmark 3rd-4th 4/3/2009
Mono Red Valtteri Saari 2009 National Qualifier: Mikkeli, Finland 5th-8th 4/3/2009
RU Control Bad-Religion13 3/29/2009
Lucky 777's brad_budgell 3/22/2009
RW Land Cruiser redman129 3/18/2009
R/B Handswapping Pain Cosnirak 3/10/2009
Eye of the Storm Zeroni 2/26/2009
Draw, Die rmac90 2/24/2009
Draw - Die take 2 alitabitiliterit 2/19/2009
Draw, Draw, Draw and Die alitabitiliterit 2/18/2009
Blightning Beats penguinche 2/13/2009
modern ponza Endjin28 1/2/2009

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