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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 351 - 385 of 385 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Blue/Black Hate deltraeus 10/20/2014
BW Aggro Kenneth Ryan 2014 Standard State Championships - Connecticut 5th-8th 10/8/2014
Monoblack Devotion Jovan Vuckovich 2014 Standard State Championships - Washington 3rd-4th 10/6/2014
Fucking Around Cheaply Harsa47 10/2/2014
Generator doverlax46 9/30/2014
Orzhov Control flankmecaptain 9/30/2014
Xiahou Dun EDH SimplySoy 9/29/2014
Terrible MBA Gillford 9/27/2014
Death & Taxes Kyon Dark 9/15/2014
League Rakdos Midrange Chisgule 9/14/2014
Bg Sad Tron zytz 9/3/2014
Kaervek's Merciless Kill leong601 8/21/2014
aggro green BlueBoy 8/20/2014
DEMON ANGEL Lenny2261 8/16/2014
Waste Not KiddeStarr 8/12/2014
BG Midrange Necro.mancer 8/12/2014
League Jund Dragons Chisgule 8/7/2014
Hand Disrupt Epicphatkid 8/7/2014
Black T2 scry land nuttawet 7/31/2014
tradessss caboose249 7/26/2014
bg midrange smth angelus391 7/20/2014
Angels, Demons n Dragons Miles123 7/20/2014
Liliana's Devoted Rats Andre 7/20/2014
UB Chasm skulker Murk_Lurk 7/18/2014
waste not aggro Murk_Lurk 7/17/2014
B/G Planeswalkers beefstu 7/17/2014
Clerics fencedidy 7/17/2014
UB Card controll davee669 7/15/2014
Orzhov Midrange m15 legal nrazor97 7/14/2014
Mono Black T2 nuttawet 6/30/2014
Junk Midrange JOU Wrenblood 6/17/2014
Gods of Havoc Jester0fSpades 6/2/2014
Sheoldred Terror akahaji 12/25/2013
Rakdos Midrange ash_202457 11/30/2013
700card CasualWorldRecord toastjuggalo 3/6/2012

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