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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 3001 - 3050 of 3781 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
B/R Aggro Renato Rodrigues 2009 GPT Sao Paulo - Brasília 5th-8th 5/13/2009
Cruel Control Weder Pereira 2009 GPT Sao Paulo - Brasília 2nd 5/13/2009
B/R Aggro Onyx Garcia 2009-05-09 SCG Philly Open 3 1st 5/13/2009
B/G Beatdown ekibiogami 5/13/2009
B/W Aggro Ovidiu Florea 2009 National Qualifier: Cluj Napoca, Romania 2nd 5/12/2009
Ziggurat.dec Vlad Guzei 2009 National Qualifier: Cluj Napoca, Romania 1st 5/12/2009
Ziggurat.dec Claudio Torcato 2009 National Qualifier: Teresina, Brazil 5th-8th 5/12/2009
Reveillark Handerson Nunes 2009 National Qualifier: Teresina, Brazil 5th-8th 5/12/2009
Faeries Florian Steindl 2009 National Qualifier: Innsbruck, Austria 5th-8th 5/12/2009
Faeries Marc Mühlböck 2009 National Qualifier: Innsbruck, Austria 5th-8th 5/12/2009
Mono Black Control Mario Hofer 2009 National Qualifier: Innsbruck, Austria 2nd 5/12/2009
B/R Aggro brettasmith 5/12/2009
RGB MADNESS ark08 5/11/2009
Faeries Marc Hollmann 2009 National Qualifier: Aachen, Germany 3rd-4th 5/11/2009
Elves Michael Brandtner 2009 National Qualifier: St. Polten, Austria 5th-8th 5/11/2009
Cruel Control Martin Hechtberger 2009 National Qualifier: St. Polten, Austria 3rd-4th 5/11/2009
Reunited Arinrod 5/11/2009
Faeries Florian Steindl 2009 National Qualifier: Innsburck, Austria 5th-8th 5/11/2009
Faeries Marc Mühlböck 2009 National Qualifier: Innsburck, Austria 5th-8th 5/11/2009
Mono Black Control Mario Hofer 2009 National Qualifier: Innsburck, Austria 2nd 5/11/2009
Riddle Faeries Conley Woods 5/11/2009
Jund gyurme 5/10/2009
punch in the face gerryf 5/9/2009
rogues gerryf 5/9/2009
rock reborn sir coleridge 5/8/2009
Loam Dredge mogo222 5/8/2009
b/g beavercards 5/7/2009
Faeries David Malchau 2009 National Qualifier: Magdeburg, Germany 5th-8th 5/6/2009
Faeries Downfall 2009-03-03 MTGO 2009 Championship FInale 1 2nd 5/6/2009
B/R Aggro Pablo Quintana 2009 GPT Barcelona - Las Palmas, Spain 1st 5/6/2009
Long Fingernails Fallsworth 5/6/2009
b/w lockdown gerryf 5/5/2009
b/w not tokens gerryf 5/5/2009
Elves Pablo Osorio 2009 National Qualifier: Viña del Mar, Chile 5th-8th 5/5/2009
Faeries Marek Kozica 2009 National Qualifier: Wroclaw, Poland 5th-8th 5/5/2009
Faeries Górski Jakub 2009 National Qualifier: Wroclaw, Poland 5th-8th 5/5/2009
Quillspike Aggro Wojciech Soporowski 2009 National Qualifier: Wroclaw, Poland 5th-8th 5/5/2009
Faeries Maksymilian Nowicki 2009 National Qualifier: Wroclaw, Poland 5th-8th 5/5/2009
Cruel Control Grzegorz Kowalski 2009 National Qualifier: Wroclaw, Poland 2nd 5/5/2009
Cruel Control Andres Suarez 2009 PTQ Austin: Dallas, USA 5th-8th 5/4/2009
Faeries Thomas Bonetto 2009 National Qualifier: Joinville-SC, Brazil 5th-8th 5/4/2009
Cruel Control Jean C. Carneiro 2009 National Qualifier: Joinville-SC, Brazil 3rd-4th 5/4/2009
B/R Aggro Branislav Mikuska 2009 National Qualifier: Bratislava, Slovakia 3rd-4th 5/4/2009
Faeries Daniel Bazany 2009 National Qualifier: Bratislava, Slovakia 3rd-4th 5/4/2009
The Rock Vladimir Sadlon 2009 National Qualifier: Bratislava, Slovakia 2nd 5/4/2009
blitzkreig jaredgrace 5/3/2009
esper Lark landontimms 5/3/2009
MBC landontimms 5/3/2009
Better Red Than Dead Rakavolver 5/3/2009
R/B Aggro zombievegeta 5/2/2009

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