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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1251 - 1300 of 3307 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Elves Valerio Martino 2011 PTQ Philadelphia - Torina, Italy - 6/25 5th-8th 6/28/2011
ramp 3 co6ry 6/28/2011
Elves myyamagat MTGO Standard PTQ 6/26/11 5th-8th 6/28/2011
Elves Danker (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/27/11 6/28/2011
Smucher ]{ilRag 6/27/2011
Elves Daniel Garmon 2011 StarCity Open Standard - Baltimore 9th-16th 6/27/2011
Valakut Ramp tangjiawei001 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/20/11 6/27/2011
Elves Alloran (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/20/11 6/27/2011
Casual Elf Equipment bruzzo 6/27/2011
Budget Blightsteel Ramp Berserker 6/26/2011
mono green eldrazi blkkobra 6/26/2011
Valakut Ramp- qbob2 6/25/2011
elves plz comment heroeskage 6/25/2011
Eldrazipod 1.1 Najonin 6/24/2011
FUN FUN FUN FUN lugia295622 6/24/2011
Edric, Spymaster of Trest inalght 6/24/2011
Elves Joffrey Patriarca 2011 PTQ Philadelphia - Hasselt, Belgium - 6/19 5th-8th 6/24/2011
Elves Alexandre Dos Santos 2011 PTQ Philadelphia - Hasselt, Belgium - 6/19 5th-8th 6/24/2011
Monogreen Eldrazi Tobias Henke 2011 PTQ Philadelphia- Eindhoven, Netherlands 6/13 3rd-4th 6/24/2011
Valakut (Post Ban) Conley Woods 6/24/2011
Valakut Ramp Stuart Wright 2011 PT Paris 6/23/2011
asga buffan2 6/22/2011
Elves rc6311 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/20/11 6/22/2011
Elf Deck (Help?) LittleMinki 6/22/2011
Genesis Elves magmithyradon 6/22/2011
Infect Superion Elves lordheretik 6/21/2011
Fresh meat mrmartini 6/21/2011
Green Beatdown nwromano 6/21/2011
elf liane nosesa 6/21/2011
GW Ramp Bigman 6/21/2011
temp Felix Farraday 6/20/2011
GR 'POD gurellia53 6/20/2011
Edric, Spymaster of Trest Jubokko 6/20/2011
Elves lobster411 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 6-13-11 6/20/2011
Elves! iron 6/20/2011
elf genesis contare83 6/19/2011
pod stomping ninjadog39 6/19/2011
turboland adapted dq911 6/19/2011
Elves TimmyMcBeaster 6/18/2011
genesis elves cmnt dq911 6/18/2011
Ramp Equipment Gusdorf80 6/17/2011
ATV Elves ssquadi 6/17/2011
card lose (comments) minato 6/17/2011
Summoning Pod akarian 6/16/2011
eldermorph hughes88 6/16/2011
Elves Sam_M (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 6-13-11 6/16/2011
Straight Beats kylemcdonald 6/16/2011
UG Control/Ramp unretrofied92 6/15/2011
Treehugger Ramp cpemery 6/15/2011
GB Karn Ant-Meta FNM rate Naagelian 6/15/2011

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