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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 5451 - 5500 of 8341 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Boros teamKira MTGO Standard Premier - 11/29/10 5th-8th 11/30/2010
Boros The_Beast_44 MTGO Standard Premier - 11/29/10 3rd-4th 11/30/2010
UW Control bolov0 MTGO Standard Premier - 11/27 5th-8th 11/30/2010
Boros sandydogmtg MTGO Standard Premier - 11/27 3rd-4th 11/30/2010
UW Control JonPeng_cn MTGO Standard Premier - 11/27 1st 11/30/2010
Bwr Control styrone11 11/30/2010
GW Tokens namorisroman 11/30/2010
Pyro Myr nvoigt 11/29/2010
Levelers tjn142 11/29/2010
Blue Weenie Verced 11/29/2010
cheese koros cubemaster 11/29/2010
Bant Venser J4far 11/29/2010
WU Control/Aggro COMMENT ngoa2254 11/29/2010
Titanvine Boldizarm 11/29/2010
B/W Control 11 Downinit263 11/29/2010
Konda EDH ThunderSnarf 11/29/2010
UW Venser ronso1890 11/29/2010
Liege Eternal theeenasty 11/29/2010
Esper Walkers.dec BRIKHOUS 11/29/2010
turbo emeria berg1029 11/29/2010
Novablast fret13 11/28/2010
Ghost Dad (Need Comments) Mesmerizer101 11/28/2010
UWG Control 3 afroofra 11/28/2010
UWG Control 2 afroofra 11/28/2010
GW Trap Ramp Bucknasty 11/28/2010
UWG Control afroofra 11/28/2010
Basic white life gain MillitaryBaker 11/28/2010
UW proliferate grimmjowatoc 11/28/2010
E.R. ooitastic 11/28/2010
white allie lg tjn142 11/28/2010
White Weenie Merefolk-Lover 11/28/2010
Esper elitz 11/28/2010
Mono White Knights theeenasty 11/28/2010
BW Landfall InstantSilence 11/28/2010
First Death CawkyD 11/27/2010
Army of Emeria Justice*Peanut 11/27/2010
Gain life the Ally way 3 firelordzero 11/27/2010
WUR Venser Control SpiritOfDawn 11/27/2010
WoooBR nikol 11/27/2010
RW scepter 11/27/2010
u/w control agliozzi 11/27/2010
U/W Control rayluu32 11/27/2010
American Ally's Kilimaris 11/27/2010
Esper control w/o JtMS vothvion 11/27/2010
Esper Ertei 11/27/2010
RUW CONTROL Controlfreak66 11/27/2010
Budget U/W suckyplayer 11/27/2010
Venser Control hybrid theory 11/27/2010
Dark Naya(help please) Justice*Peanut 11/27/2010
U/W Control, my take Ashwatzi 11/27/2010

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