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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 701 - 750 of 802 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Steve's tokens gaiathebanished 4/10/2009
manacurving indie209 1/6/2009
Overkill The_Marshall 12/30/2008
Waking Nightmare indie209 12/29/2008
Fun green aggro kill-joy 11/13/2008
Sisay EDH gaiathebanished 9/4/2008
Tooth and Rail barbarian 4/6/2008
Green Beatdown jokeres 11/10/2007
Nation of Tokens kill-joy 7/15/2007
Stompy 2k7 Icy 6/17/2007
Saproling Domination St Nick 4/1/2007
Dragon Madness stewiegonebad 4/16/2006
Stompy Icy 1/18/2006
My Secret Force Icy 1/13/2006
Charge of elvish bugz t.o.g. 12/28/2005
GBW Rock Yasuharu Iwashita 2005 PT Los Angeles 10/29/2005
Squirrely Wrath Chaos Pharaoh 10/24/2005
Threshold Beatdown Janemba 10/18/2005
Elf and Nail Ver 1.5 Foxfire 8/15/2005
tubro white/green Foxfire 8/15/2005
Elvish Overrun Vhsccboy 7/14/2005
elvish story circle majin_piell 5/6/2005
favrepack auction 2 gemxwavedotcom 3/2/2005
The Voice polo4ri 2/22/2005
The Rock Marco Guerro PTQ Philly: San Antonio, TX 2nd 2/14/2005
Trinity and Nail John Theriault PTQ Philly: Shreveport, LA 5th-8th 2/14/2005
Mono-Green 2.0 Antonino DeRosa 1/17/2005
Mono-Green Diego Yokohama Masters 1/17/2005
elfi e simili seedborn 1/15/2005
wild mongrel deck seedborn 1/15/2005
Elf and Nail David Crewe 1/12/2005
Elf and Nail Ruizi 1/6/2005
Elf and Nail Ronnie Jones PT Columbus 12/29/2004
Rock Torben Twiefel PT Columbus 2004 9th-16th 12/21/2004
Elf and Nail Ian Crone 9/7/2004
elves joemmoby 8/26/2004
Elf o' Nail G0blinnab0b 8/19/2004
LLL bhaal 8/15/2004
Trinity DON P.I.M.P. 8/15/2004
The Rock DON P.I.M.P. 8/14/2004
exploooody tooth pride33 8/2/2004
Elf and Nail Resurrected John Doylemason 7/13/2004
Elf and Nail John Doylemason 7/13/2004
Explosive Tooth and Nail Felix Tse 2004 Canadian Nationals 5th-8th 7/7/2004
Alex Etzel T&N 2.0 Dan Lawver 7/7/2004
Alex Etzel T&N Dan Lawver 2004 US Nationals Grinders 7/7/2004
Wake 2K4 tis 7/6/2004
Elf & Nail Kyle Goodman 2004 JSS Championships 2nd 6/27/2004
Eternal Slide Tony Pascasio 2004 US Nationals 5th-8th 6/23/2004
Elf & Nail Craig Krempels 2004 US Nationals 1st 6/20/2004

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