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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 5101 - 5150 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Jund Midrange manu_chao (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/11/13 2/20/2013
Unexpected OmniFriends Tauris 2/20/2013
Gruul Midrange HereticD2000 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/11/13 2/20/2013
Prime Time Combo Atreties 2/20/2013
Naya Midrange NWidecan 2/20/2013
Gruul Aggro Safeastoast 2/20/2013
asdfasdf asdfre 2/20/2013
naya mid HELP princebk 2/19/2013
Gruul Aggro Rikosboy 2/19/2013
RUG Ramp arthurhjl9798 2/19/2013
Jund Aggro yeaimjan 2/19/2013
R/G/W aggro duhduhdillon 2/19/2013
RG aggro Greenmonster 2/19/2013
RUG Midrange II omgimchris 2/19/2013
Dark Naya Matheuzs 2/19/2013
Junk Control theboozecube 2/19/2013
Too Gruul For School xlaleclx 2/19/2013
Unexpectedgmos nerd13 2/19/2013
Naya Midrange BuzyTheBloo 2/19/2013
Naya Zoo form Ajeman arthurhjl9798 2/19/2013
Bant Wolf Run Abendrake 2/19/2013
Naya Midrange Eric Rill 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Cincinnati - 2/16 1st 2/19/2013
Wolf Run Bant Michael Bernat 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Cincinnati - 2/16 5th-8th 2/19/2013
Jund Midrange Jeffrey Kruchkow 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Cincinnati - 2/16 9th-16th 2/19/2013
War Ears MattFoley 2/19/2013
Indestructible Fire countoren 2/18/2013
Grunge (4 color control) cwhitley 2/18/2013
Naya Aggro-ish. Drewseppi 2/18/2013
Sala Naya Salamancee 2/18/2013
Dark Naya Jared Welsh Standard Silver TCQ - Buffalo Grove, IL - 2/16/13 5th-8th 2/18/2013
Naya Midrange David Tian Standard Silver TCQ - Buffalo Grove, IL - 2/16/13 3rd-4th 2/18/2013
Naya Aggro Tyler Cady Standard Silver TCQ - East Greenbush, NY - 2/16/13 5th-8th 2/18/2013
4C Control Jeff Hulslander Standard Silver TCQ - East Greenbush, NY - 2/16/13 2nd 2/18/2013
Naya Midrange James Hangley Standard Silver TCQ - Farmindale, NY - 2/16/13 5th-8th 2/18/2013
Jund Midrange Trevor Humphries Standard Silver TCQ - Farmindale, NY - 2/16/13 2nd 2/18/2013
Gruul Aggro Jake Moldowsky Standard Silver TCQ - Farmindale, NY - 2/16/13 1st 2/18/2013
G-P Set klumze 2/18/2013
Jund Aggro Mike Wetmore 2013 Pro Tour Gatecrash - 18 Points or Better 2/18/2013
Jund Aggro Raymond Veenis 2013 Pro Tour Gatecrash - 18 Points or Better 2/18/2013
Naya Midrange Richmond Tan 2013 Pro Tour Gatecrash - 18 Points or Better 2/18/2013
Jund Aggro Emanuel Sutor 2013 Pro Tour Gatecrash - 18 Points or Better 2/18/2013
Jund Midrange Jon Stern 2013 Pro Tour Gatecrash - 18 Points or Better 2/18/2013
Jund Midrange Hiroyuki Shimoya 2013 Pro Tour Gatecrash - 18 Points or Better 2/18/2013
Jund Midrange Yoshitoki Sakai 2013 Pro Tour Gatecrash - 18 Points or Better 2/18/2013
Gruul Aggro Daniel Ruiz Martin 2013 Pro Tour Gatecrash - 18 Points or Better 2/18/2013
Dark Naya Christophe Rolin 2013 Pro Tour Gatecrash - 18 Points or Better 2/18/2013
Human Reanimator David Pargh 2013 Pro Tour Gatecrash - 18 Points or Better 2/18/2013
Jund Midrange Kamil Napierski 2013 Pro Tour Gatecrash - 18 Points or Better 2/18/2013
Naya Midrange Tamas Nagy 2013 Pro Tour Gatecrash - 18 Points or Better 2/18/2013
Jund Midrange Mauto Mathieu 2013 Pro Tour Gatecrash - 18 Points or Better 2/18/2013

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