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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 8251 - 8300 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
RUG Pod Harrison Fang 2012 StarCity Open Standard - Madison - 5/12 9th-16th 5/14/2012
Wolf Run Ramp Alan Canode 2012 StarCity Open Standard - Madison - 5/12 9th-16th 5/14/2012
RG Aggro Michael Bryant 2012 StarCity Open Standard - Madison - 5/12 9th-16th 5/14/2012
Naya Humans minixel 5/14/2012
RG Aggro Adam Yurchick 5/14/2012
No land 4 U schott 5/13/2012
Sunburst Tokens? MtG_is_awesome 5/13/2012
Naya Humans Casey Sutliff Standard Bronze TCQ - Syracuse, NY - 5/12/12 2nd 5/13/2012
Boros Humans Justin Huffman Standard Bronze TCQ - Syracuse, NY - 5/12/12 1st 5/13/2012
Naya Angels Hiver285 5/13/2012
Kessig Humans JSteele 5/13/2012
Boros Humans clusterfolk3 5/13/2012
RG Werewolf Aggro Soltak 5/13/2012
Jund. Zordiak0 5/13/2012
Boros Humans corialote 5/13/2012
boroshumans Manaramper 5/13/2012
Boros Humans Jpearson6 5/13/2012
Turbo Fatties Soulas 5/13/2012
Tyrant of Land Destruct chizV 5/13/2012
R/G Aggro Deathnstuff 5/13/2012
Frites mspaldin75 5/13/2012
rg1 bhuboi 5/13/2012
Azzburger XmorganX 5/12/2012
Naya Humans Alrick 5/12/2012
Naya Flicker DfectivProduct 5/12/2012
Phyriends Alrick 5/12/2012
Cloud Naya V2 clusterfolk3 5/12/2012
Human Frites V2 clusterfolk3 5/12/2012
Human Bizounce lordgrymor 5/12/2012
GW Angles jldestruct 5/12/2012
GRwb Human nfelix87 5/12/2012
RG smithwizzle 5/12/2012
Haunted Humans macniel 5/12/2012
my new deck... sherloc7 5/12/2012
R/G Pack Run timswar 5/11/2012
R/G Aggro Nexuswarrior 5/11/2012
Naya Wolf Ramp... comment bmills022 5/11/2012
Naya SBD 5/11/2012
Naya Zoo Highlander v2 stsung 5/11/2012
Burrows is Back amnesiak 5/11/2012
B/G wolf run tahammo 5/11/2012
naya rampage merc927 5/11/2012
AVR Boros a_random_guy 5/11/2012
Naya Lakepirate 5/11/2012
Naya Humans flamepenguin3 5/11/2012
get er dunegrove heroeskage 5/11/2012
Flash Elves ganewle08 5/11/2012
MiraculousWolves(comment) LycanLord 5/10/2012
RG Aggro duparcqG MTGO Standard Premier - 5/6/12 5th-8th 5/10/2012
RG Aggro sakurai MTGO Standard Premier - 5/6/12 5th-8th 5/10/2012

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