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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 7951 - 8000 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
BW Tokens featherwind 1/12/2015
Bant Death-Blade Derrick Sheets 2014 StarCity Players Championship - Legacy 9th-16th 1/12/2015
Athreos EDH rasna 1/12/2015
Bant Death-Blade Marcus Perez 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Columbus - 1/4 2nd 1/12/2015
Mageta sk8erbob 1/11/2015
Infect control Lyoidsen 1/10/2015
Mono black aggro Garzweiler 1/10/2015
Bant Birthing pod S.Valentine 1/10/2015
Army of Bant 2.0 cdcobler 1/9/2015
Jeskai Defector see notes aalistor 1/9/2015
B/W Haakon shimagami 1/9/2015
Peasant Cube videogamer99 1/8/2015
Exalted Knights CrownieCrown 1/8/2015
Rafiq french 1v1 revwonderpimp 1/8/2015
Ideal knights deck bigchuck 1/7/2015
4c Zoo zytz 1/7/2015
Alesha SSAASS 1/6/2015
Tiny Thalia cryfreedom37 1/5/2015
Kemba cjthecoolcat 1/5/2015
Karametra, God of Ramp Roc-ketMan 1/5/2015
Narset's Fort This Guy 1/5/2015
Titania Fun WeWillFall 1/5/2015
Knight GW Gabouruk 1/5/2015
Nahiri matti_raula 1/3/2015
doran edh surgeslayer 1/3/2015
doran surgeslayer 1/3/2015
Doran, the Siege Tower surgeslayer 1/3/2015
Rhino beats Crovax11 1/2/2015
Anafenza, the Foremost kilroyisjace 1/1/2015
Bruna, Light of Alabaster stahlsc 1/1/2015
BW Tokens 3.0 wammy 12/31/2014
Weatherlights finest bleisle 12/31/2014
Green and Taxes schafeman11 12/30/2014
Restructured Cawblade flankmecaptain 12/30/2014
geist voltron Prockhimself 12/26/2014
Boros Equipment willdabeast00 12/22/2014
Boros Legion Updated Winters 12/22/2014
Mardu NRGBlast 12/20/2014
Eight-and-a-Half-Enchants Hunting4Witchz 12/18/2014
Naya Aggro Flako (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 12/1/14 12/18/2014
Life of Oloro neke82 12/17/2014
Bant Midrange TYBG 12/16/2014
Grand Arbiter Nocturnus89 12/16/2014
Naya Aggro Soren Wellman 2014 StarCity Open Modern - Seattle - 12/14 5th-8th 12/15/2014
B/W Tokens scsculley 12/14/2014
Monowhite Voltron TheGreatest 12/12/2014
Debt Collector raziellok79 12/12/2014
Bear Hate arsiscarthian 12/10/2014
Modern White Knights Murderotic 12/10/2014
hur dur raziellok79 12/10/2014

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