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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1051 - 1100 of 8150 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Azorius Control funkydude787 MTGO Modern Premier - 6865595 - 3/16/14 1st 3/24/2014
Junk Stone-Blade Andrew Herbelin 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Los Angeles - 3/23 9th-16th 3/24/2014
EDH Grand Arbiter 2.0 filioo 3/24/2014
Rafiq EDH MrCrazy 3/22/2014
Restore Balance mikezama 3/22/2014
U/W Control MATSKILLZ 3/22/2014
Fun EDH Time xonnex 3/20/2014
Walkers Baldwin 3/19/2014
Bant lifeisgood765 3/18/2014
BWR Midrange UWRgeist MTGO Modern Premier - 6834296 - 3/9/14 9th-16th 3/18/2014
UW control modern aalistor 3/18/2014
RW magic cards Mubutu 3/17/2014
naya token edh demonicvoid 3/13/2014
Tolsmir Agentwise 3/11/2014
Zoo i_b_TRUE MTGO Modern Premier - 6800276 - 3/1/14 5th-8th 3/11/2014
Junk Midrange Nnelson MTGO Modern Premier - 6800257 - 3/1/14 9th-16th 3/11/2014
American Control Shaheen Soorani 2014 Grand Prix Richmond - 3/8 3/11/2014
Rith pod garzet210 3/11/2014
RW Prison Frank Lepore 3/10/2014
Esper Wrath Elphabah 3/10/2014
Obama the Greathearted Hulksmashems 3/9/2014
Orzhov Tokens darthmikda 3/9/2014
EDH/Cube Zippy 3/8/2014
BW tokens nation 3/8/2014
Epharescence WriterofWrong 3/6/2014
Big Gay Pridemage Zoo hemme1m 3/5/2014
Bant CamTurner 3/4/2014
WB Control kevyan123 3/3/2014
Superfriends to Action! Pacal 3/3/2014
B/W aggro 2 Brometheus 3/3/2014
mono white lifegain dkay182 3/3/2014
Angus EDH thegreatsam 3/1/2014
Naya Midrange IHaveTopTop MTGO Modern Premier - 6767326 - 2/22/14 2nd 2/28/2014
Mono W timma000 2/26/2014
JunkTown xcrunner0809 2/26/2014
Restore Balance Alfonso Barcelona Cabeza Pro Tour Born of the Gods 2/25/2014
Domain Zoo Pat Cox Pro Tour Born of the Gods 2/25/2014
restore balance Sound Diamond 2/24/2014
Bant BNG aalistor 2/24/2014
Zoo Pandabeast24 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/17/14 2/23/2014
American Midrange _Nostromo (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/17/14 2/23/2014
Naya Zoo simplyskilled 2/23/2014
Arbiter Augustin Niu 2/22/2014
Sigarda, Host of Herons Syck1 2/22/2014
planeswalkers speytoeh 2/21/2014
Bant Superfriend EDH campo91 2/21/2014
Modular smithwizzle 2/21/2014
bant-o-rama kozmic 2/20/2014
Junk Maverick kooba 2/20/2014
American Midrange _Nostromo MTGO Modern Premier - 6737467 - 2/17/14 5th-8th 2/19/2014

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