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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1351 - 1400 of 8150 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Bant Geistblade Metalkennedy 8/15/2013
Teysa, Orzhov Scion theanomaly00 8/15/2013
Trostani, Tokens Tokens! Necrode 8/14/2013
Trade Stuff MattCross 8/14/2013
5-color edh superfrieds jasonpenguin 8/13/2013
B/W Hate Ghast SSAASS 8/13/2013
Kasimir the lone Wolf EDH uarebiganfat 8/13/2013
ww b Alias129 8/13/2013
GW Hate Bears medvedev MTGO Modern Premier - 8/5/13 3rd-4th 8/13/2013
GW Hate Bears medvedev (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 7/29/13 8/13/2013
Captain Sisay arcticfox2012 8/12/2013
White zerod80 8/12/2013
Justice League of America Baconstrips1 8/12/2013
UW Miracles Steve Wise 2013 StarCity Open Legacy - Minneapolis - 8/4 9th-16th 8/12/2013
4C CONTROL OBLITERATE!!!! Caio_Kanar 8/12/2013
USA Delver BlackMagic22 8/11/2013
UWR control Valank 8/11/2013
UW Miracles Azix 8/11/2013
BWR Midrange Zrs1 8/11/2013
Ultra Devestation TheDOnMega 8/9/2013
Rhys the Redeemed EDH Elijah121580 8/9/2013
Rafiq of the Many EDH Elijah121580 8/9/2013
Boros Superfriends Tony Savio VIP Qualifier - Niles, IL 2nd 8/8/2013
Edh Progenitus Deck Me3darkfrog 8/8/2013
martyr proc narrul 8/8/2013
Card Values FateZero 8/8/2013
Tajic Midrange M14 WriterofWrong 8/8/2013
Rafiq of the Many 1x1 rafael001 8/7/2013
Thalia mbish 8/7/2013
100 CS Bant Flash Chromatone 8/7/2013
WW Allies Doogiehowser 8/6/2013
Isamaru,the Howling Blade Feverous 8/6/2013
Cube [PMP]Krevvy 8/5/2013
Rafiq of the Beats Doogiehowser 8/4/2013
5C Cascade Arrow10864 8/4/2013
Sygg EDH KingHrothgar 8/4/2013
esperwalker control v2 axc34 8/2/2013
U/W/R jmbender17 8/2/2013
Jor Kadeen, The Prevailer cjmatos 8/1/2013
UW Stoneblade brianhri 8/1/2013
Phelddagrif milky_joe2158 7/31/2013
Domain Aggro TheSquareCircl 7/30/2013
DarkMav AngelsInFlight 7/30/2013
IDK guitarguy626 7/30/2013
Rise of the knights nation 7/30/2013
asd mphollid 7/30/2013
U/W Midrange scottkindle 7/30/2013
Lifelink of Doom MessyKills 7/29/2013
French Doran Szczmeister 7/29/2013
Green White Tokens Redviper3 7/28/2013

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