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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 351 - 395 of 395 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
E Ben 8/1/2019
Good Greef Amazonian 7/31/2019
Bant Midrange Cain Rianhard SCG Classic Standard - Columbus - 07/28/2019 9th-16th 7/29/2019
Temur Elementals Tyler Thebeau SCG Classic Standard - Columbus - 07/28/2019 9th-16th 7/29/2019
Four-Color Elementals Terren Huck SCG Classic Standard - Columbus - 07/28/2019 3rd-4th 7/29/2019
Goreclaw Facebeat Veitanah 7/29/2019
Goreclaw Facebeat Veitanah 7/29/2019
Sultai Thief Shotgunfacelift 7/29/2019
ele-mental monster willtech312 7/29/2019
Huatli's Hydra's Javan Clark 7/28/2019
It is currently real mill hours Scandium 7/26/2019
matthew wants asdf 7/25/2019
Temur Elementals Sawyakisauce 7/24/2019
Bant Midrange Cain Rianhard SCG Classic Standard - Philadelphia - 07/21/2019 1st 7/23/2019
Temur Elementals Marquis Johnson SCG Team Constructed Open Standard - Philadelphia - 7/21/2019 9th-16th 7/22/2019
Simic Hydras SBMTGDev 7/21/2019
Omnath 3.0 TufRussian 7/20/2019
chris m wants asdf 7/19/2019
chris m wants asdf 7/19/2019
Simic Stealing AliasV 7/17/2019
Temur Elementals Seth Manfield 7/17/2019
rawr xs 70nova 7/16/2019
Nikya budget brawl KingFabi 7/15/2019
Temur Flood Lucan Faley 7/15/2019
G/U Nexus Jon Lacker SCG Classic Standard - Worcester - 07/14/2019 9th-16th 7/15/2019
Temur Elementals Jeremy Bertarioni SCG Classic Standard - Worcester - 07/14/2019 5th-8th 7/15/2019
Temur Elementals Craig Stillman SCG Open Standard - Worcester - 7/14/2019 7/15/2019
Temur Elementals Robert Seder SCG Open Standard - Worcester - 7/14/2019 7/15/2019
G/U Ramp Ethan Buyse SCG Open Standard - Worcester - 7/14/2019 33rd-64th 7/15/2019
G/U Ramp Dan Salvatore SCG Open Standard - Worcester - 7/14/2019 33rd-64th 7/15/2019
G/U Ramp Tyler Crabtree SCG Open Standard - Worcester - 7/14/2019 33rd-64th 7/15/2019
Temur Elementals Edgar Magalhaes SCG Open Standard - Worcester - 7/14/2019 17th-32nd 7/15/2019
Temur Elementals Paul Muller SCG Open Standard - Worcester - 7/14/2019 9th-16th 7/15/2019
Temur Elementals Chris Johnson SCG Open Standard - Worcester - 7/14/2019 3rd-4th 7/15/2019
David Buskirk's Bant AliasV 7/14/2019
Victor Cardarelli's Temur Elementals AliasV 7/14/2019
Tenure Elementals arcto 7/14/2019
Nissa Leyline Simic Elemental Jhona 7/14/2019
Blue-Green Nexus Brad Nelson 7/11/2019
Magic Arcanum - Chandra Budget Elementals Magic Arcanum 7/10/2019
dix Sage Of Stone 7/5/2019
Bant Ramp v.2 Brian Braun-Duin 7/5/2019
Bant Ramp v.1 Brian Braun-Duin 7/5/2019
Elementals Luis Scott-Vargas 6/27/2019
Golgari Reanimator [M20] JFSushi 6/22/2019

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