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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1101 - 1150 of 1206 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Metal Burn ancu82 11/13/2010
green artifact awesome geomonty 11/10/2010
g/r control dman1919 11/8/2010
Liquimetal smelter Haines136 11/8/2010
Technicolor metalcraft 7 firelordzero 11/8/2010
Kuldotha assault Asnoth 11/8/2010
Trouble Pleasuredroid 11/8/2010
RLD nickelleon 11/7/2010
Ally Inferno Shansta 11/7/2010
Liquimetal Control 2.0 jokr9696 11/5/2010
Nim Control v2 HELP? specs808 11/4/2010
Liguidmetal control jokr9696 11/2/2010
-Joey- Roast Beef TBBF 11/2/2010
liquimetal control zero_kyu 11/2/2010
Tuktuk Coating Shansta 11/1/2010
Liquid Control alpacha20 10/31/2010
die artifacts! bomann 10/31/2010
RW Control (test) aleejohn 10/29/2010
Artifact Shatter v3 cabinboy001 10/28/2010
Turn 3 LD cmts plase DROblivion 10/27/2010
Sealed Pool corganyte 10/26/2010
liquidmetal coating (LD) Bloodsplatter 10/25/2010
Mono Green Control v.2 Mr.Steve 10/25/2010
W Metall Jok3rn1 10/25/2010
UGW Angels (suggestions?) ubergeek248 10/24/2010
Mono Green Control Mr.Steve 10/24/2010
Arti LD v1 Cmts? DROblivion 10/23/2010
U/G/W Metalcraft GungnirXD 10/21/2010
white power (comments?) 6angels 10/21/2010
Liquimetal LD (Help) Gattoni 10/20/2010
Liquid Metal nghia 10/19/2010
Quebra Artefato -AJUDA AE Gattoni 10/19/2010
Liquimetal (HELP SIDE) Gattoni 10/19/2010
RG Destroyer juan95 10/19/2010
Destroy Everything sojo1024 10/18/2010
merfolk agro... minixel 10/17/2010
Myr sojo1024 10/17/2010
UBW Permanent Control ryuwizard98 10/16/2010
Artifact Shatter v2 cabinboy001 10/16/2010
Metalcraft Chris_H 10/15/2010
Venser Myr sojo1024 10/15/2010
FNM Griefing LD psyctint 10/15/2010
Liquimetal Pwnage saturate2009 10/14/2010
Cheap Artifact Killer Fletcher10189 10/14/2010
Death to artifacts bomann 10/13/2010
Shatter Artifact v1 cabinboy001 10/13/2010
Technicolor Metalcraft 5 firelordzero 10/13/2010
Angel Control (comments) JustinStryker 10/13/2010
mono green ld dman1919 10/12/2010
bant control darksteeltitan 10/12/2010

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