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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 151 - 200 of 855 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Omnitell konpaku 11/29/2012
8-Land Ezuri zackhammer 11/28/2012
Depths ReVamped shpadoinkle 11/13/2012
Enchantress Chris Andersen 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - St. Louis - 11/4 9th-16th 11/5/2012
Commanding Defenders Deadalus 11/3/2012
Its All InThe Omniscience XEQSHUNA 10/25/2012
Combo Elves Naisevol 10/25/2012
Enchantress Drew Idoux 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Indianapolis - 10/21 5th-8th 10/23/2012
elfs nikosgi 10/16/2012
Thrun Voltron Steele Hydra 10/15/2012
Elves John Guttermuth 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Providence - 10/14 9th-16th 10/15/2012
Green/Red Elves Straw1239 10/14/2012
Wishful Elves dogmai 10/11/2012
Enchantress Christoffer Andersen 2012 StarCity Open Standard - Cincinnati - 10/7 5th-8th 10/8/2012
Show and Know Trevor Petrilli 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Atlanta - 9/23 5th-8th 9/26/2012
G/W Slide kldfjlaksdj 9/4/2012
gravy train morganshort 9/2/2012
Show and Know Michael Svien 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Denver - 8/26 3rd-4th 8/27/2012
T 1,5 - Show and Troll loerien 8/24/2012
omnislash iphael 8/24/2012
Planeswalker Control vvo0ot 8/23/2012
Show and tell cade34 8/18/2012
Emrakelves! TheDuderama 8/10/2012
life gain Logiiii 8/8/2012
Omniscient Show and Tell Travis Allen 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Buffalo - 7/29 5th-8th 8/2/2012
Omniscient Wishes notacanadian24 8/1/2012
Belcher Blackchoas 7/28/2012
epic growth marcuskpanzer 7/25/2012
Eflo Morodern 7/15/2012
Legacy Elves TacoNinja 7/4/2012
Elf Combo Steve Guillerm 2012 Grand Prix Atlanta - 6/30 7/4/2012
Elf Combo Grzegorz Sochacki 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Worcester - 6/10 9th-16th 6/21/2012
Eldrazi Ramp GW Lucas S. C. 6/7/2012
best sliver deck ? jimparadox 6/5/2012
ScapeSHIT Jabari31 5/14/2012
Elf Combo Grzegorz Sochacki 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Providence - 5/6 3rd-4th 5/7/2012
Food Chain blink 4/19/2012
Ramp Deck Win kamiyamaki 3/26/2012
super landfall Illuminati120 3/20/2012
Edric the Spymaster EDH Pvt. Jet 3/15/2012
Edric fjdkslan 3/13/2012
It Came From Trest Greg McCleery 3/8/2012
A thing Odarshes 3/6/2012
imperial gift aluren imperialmarito 2/26/2012
beast rock servatar 2/17/2012
mad rock thanman08 1/16/2012
llll snusk 1/8/2012
Squirrel Deck Expired 12/28/2011
price check elerrian 12/10/2011
Rebirth Pattern JGannon 11/23/2011

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