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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 801 - 850 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
[Budget] Chulane Combo The Spike Feeders 10/22/2019
[Budget] Vial Smasher/Kraum Control The Spike Feeders 10/22/2019
Temur Snow Xanequin 10/16/2019
Temur Snow fake-news 10/16/2019
Mono-Blue Faeries qbturtle15 10/16/2019
Faeries GlaMonteCarlo 10/16/2019
Sultai Snow Fede1 10/16/2019
Bant Snow McWinSauce 10/16/2019
Azorius Stoneblade McWinSauce 10/16/2019
Snowtai otom1818 10/16/2019
Michael's Cube captainfreddy314 10/14/2019
Jeskai Stone-Blade giLL 10/14/2019
Azorius Control Ivan Espinosa SCG Classic Modern - Indianapolis - 10/13/2019 1st 10/14/2019
Azorius Stoneblade Kyle Boggemes SCG Open Modern - Indianapolis - 10/13/2019 9th-16th 10/14/2019
10.10.19 turns BoomBoomStormCloud 10/12/2019
4c Snow otom1818 10/10/2019
Azorius Stoneblade McWinSauce 10/9/2019
Jeskai CopyCat Thing Matt Rob 10/9/2019
Dimfect (Modern) narju 10/8/2019
Budget Mono Blue Control (Modern) narju 10/8/2019
Azorius Control Whitleg Price SCG Team Constructed Open Modern - Philadelphia - 10/06/2019 9th-16th 10/7/2019
$75 Grixis Control greenwiggly 10/3/2019
Azorius Control d_peliser MTGO Modern Challenge - 09/28/2019 1st 10/3/2019
Azorius Stoneblade qbturtle15 MTGO Modern Challenge - 09/28/2019 5th-8th 10/3/2019
Taking Turns Lejay MTGO Modern League 5-0 - 10/01/2019 10/3/2019
Inalla Stack Master Pyrothemaniac 10/1/2019
kykar teagasm 9/29/2019
Finish control MannyS 9/28/2019
Sultai control Chris lamell 9/23/2019
Baral draw/turbo no Yrahcaz313 9/23/2019
UW Control Zenth 9/23/2019
UW Angels Atarka 9/19/2019
Baral doesn't like Spellslingers EDH MTGDomain 9/19/2019
PolyTokens (4-0) Tynche2040 9/17/2019
Jeskai mystictempo despreocuperro 9/14/2019
Azorius Stoneblade Do0mSwitch MTGO Modern Playoff - 09/07/2019 5th-8th 9/11/2019
Azorius Stoneblade Alvas MTGO Modern PTQ - 09/08/2019 2nd 9/11/2019
Azorius Stoneblade MaLiam MTGO Modern PTQ - 09/08/2019 9th-16th 9/11/2019
Azorius Control WhiTe TsaR MTGO Modern PTQ - 09/08/2019 9th-16th 9/11/2019
Baral Vanilla Gorilla 9/11/2019
Bant Ephemerate Gabriel Nassif 9/11/2019
Matts Dragons Octathorpo 9/11/2019
Blue Moon 1.0 Reaprepeater38 9/10/2019
Azorius Stoneblade Joseph Bernal MagicFest Indianapolis 2019 2nd 9/9/2019
UW Control Logic 9/7/2019
Azorius Control McWinSauce MTGO Modern MCQ - 09/01/2019 3rd-4th 9/6/2019
GU Opposition Ramp Cultic Cube 9/5/2019
Geist Tiny Leaders pauper card list 9/5/2019
Mind Hive Ebenezer 9/4/2019
Azorius Control Pete Ingram SCG Open Modern - Dallas - 9/01/2019 9th-16th 9/2/2019

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