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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1151 - 1200 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Izzet Spellboost velocirabbit 1/17/2019
Jeskai Control Jonathan Sukenik SCG Open Modern - Worcester - 01/12/2019 5th-8th 1/14/2019
Izzet Spellboost velocirabbit 1/12/2019
Izzet Spellboost velocirabbit 1/12/2019
Izzet Spellboost velocirabbit 1/12/2019
Sultai delver Ckelly 1/12/2019
Yuriko Test EDH WantedWarlock 1/12/2019
U/b Ninjas GrimmStarfish 1/11/2019
Izzet Spellboost velocirabbit 1/10/2019
Jeskai Control MRB 1/10/2019
Izzet Spellboost velocirabbit 1/10/2019
Izzet Spellboost v2 velocirabbit 1/10/2019
Izzet Spellboost velocirabbit 1/10/2019
W/U Control Alex Olsen Grand Prix Oakland 2019 3rd-4th 1/9/2019
UMA Update Blue Adam Styborski 1/9/2019
CUP RazorX_83 1/9/2019
Living as Foretold Damien1482 1/8/2019
Kess Budget Doomsday Rust0neD 1/7/2019
U/W Control fancypants106 1/7/2019
Cube idea G3RR3T 1/7/2019
W/U Control GALANATOR MTGO Competitive Modern League: 01/04/2019 1/5/2019
W/U Control Hemsley MTGO Competitive Modern League: 01/01/2019 1/4/2019
Grixis Delver qbturtle15 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 12/28/2018 1/4/2019
Jeskai Control GALANATOR MTGO Competitive Modern League: 12/28/2018 1/4/2019
W/U Control Gernardi MTGO Competitive Modern League: 12/25/2018 1/4/2019
Grixis Control PIJIU4U MTGO Competitive Modern League: 12/25/2018 1/4/2019
Jeskai Control SanttBR MTGO Competitive Modern League: 12/25/2018 1/4/2019
Izzet Wizards cha21 1/2/2019
gg BotTZzz 12/31/2018
uw test Ferrum 12/29/2018
Grixis amark18 12/27/2018
Liliana Zombie Control AJ Champion 12/26/2018
Grixis Delver t_money MTGO Competitive Modern League: 12/21/2018 12/22/2018
25 budget commander veRYANgry 12/20/2018
W/U Control oyola MTGO Competitive Modern League: 12/18/2018 12/19/2018
Jeskai Control NickHeal MTGO Competitive Modern League: 12/18/2018 12/19/2018
W/U Control mell0n MTGO Modern Challenge: 12/16/2018 9th-16th 12/17/2018
Jeskai Miracles Nigel Loutzenhiser 12/15/2018
Pauper Cube mjrsea 12/15/2018
Double shoot brillby 12/15/2018
Test Floppy 12/13/2018
W/U Control Curryvore MTGO Competitive Modern League: 12/11/2018 12/13/2018
W/U Control Niels Molle Grand Prix Liverpool 2018 5th-8th 12/10/2018
Budget Blue EDH Wizard Sam 12/9/2018
Jeskai Control Ado MTGO Competitive Modern League: 12/7/2018 12/8/2018
Jeskai Control mashmalovsky MTGO Competitive Modern League: 12/4/2018 12/6/2018
Budget Mairsil Stryker07 12/6/2018
Jeskai Control Seth Manfield SCG Open Modern - Baltimore - 12/02/2018 5th-8th 12/3/2018
W/U Control Robert Seder SCG Classic Modern - Baltimore - 12/02/2018 3rd-4th 12/3/2018
U/R Delver GALANATOR MTGO Competitive Modern League: 11/30/2018 12/3/2018

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