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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 4201 - 4250 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
UR Pyromancer tamachan (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/30/14 7/9/2014
Esper Polymorph flankmecaptain 7/8/2014
American Control erre_con_erre MTGO Modern Premier - 7242013 - 6/30/14 9th-16th 7/7/2014
RUG Delver YellowGatorade MTGO Modern Premier - 7242013 - 6/30/14 9th-16th 7/7/2014
RUG Aggro rinazina MTGO Modern Premier - 7242013 - 6/30/14 5th-8th 7/7/2014
American Control erre_con_erre MTGO Modern Premier - 7241969 - 6/29/14 2nd 7/7/2014
American Twin amboss2 MTGO Modern Premier - 7242002 - 6/29/14 9th-16th 7/7/2014
Merfolk Roberto777 MTGO Modern Premier - 7241929 - 6/28/14 9th-16th 7/7/2014
Polymorph innocentsky MTGO Modern Premier - 7241929 - 6/28/14 9th-16th 7/7/2014
Merfolk AlphaDelt MTGO Modern Premier - 7241929 - 6/28/14 9th-16th 7/7/2014
American Twin RemiFortier MTGO Modern Premier - 7241929 - 6/28/14 9th-16th 7/7/2014
RUG Delver YellowGatorade MTGO Modern Premier - 7241929 - 6/28/14 5th-8th 7/7/2014
UR Pyromancer Nocksinex MTGO Modern Premier - 7241958 - 6/28/14 9th-16th 7/7/2014
RUG Delver MagicLair MTGO Modern Premier - 7241958 - 6/28/14 5th-8th 7/7/2014
RUG Delver YellowGatorade MTGO Modern Premier - 7241958 - 6/28/14 3rd-4th 7/7/2014
torpor orb torture vi88 7/7/2014
American Midrange Shniper (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/30/14 7/7/2014
American Twin ivi1991 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/30/14 7/7/2014
Splinter Twin itsnotme (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/23/14 7/7/2014
American Twin Klemente (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/23/14 7/7/2014
UR Pyromancer Convery (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/23/14 7/7/2014
Azorius Midrange heraklinos1989 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/23/14 7/7/2014
American Twin Gemmanite (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/23/14 7/7/2014
American Midrange Somedude127 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/23/14 7/7/2014
Affinity pwncakes (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/23/14 7/7/2014
Azorius Control Hyper (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/23/14 7/7/2014
Bant highlander stsung 7/4/2014
Merfolk bleisle 7/4/2014
Merfolk Ron Rodgers MaxPoint Gold - Mr Nice Guy Games - 6/28/14 5th-8th 7/3/2014
Faeries David Tobias MaxPoint Gold - Mr Nice Guy Games - 6/28/14 3rd-4th 7/3/2014
RUG Delver Jesse Shipton MaxPoint Gold - Mr Nice Guy Games - 6/28/14 2nd 7/3/2014
Modern Faerie AlexeySemka 7/3/2014
UWR Gifts TheHighlife5 7/2/2014
Polymorph jordanc86 7/2/2014
tribal delver JAmes72899 7/1/2014
UW Midrange martindoming 6/30/2014
UWR Control MercSavage 6/30/2014
Duel - Jhoira Competitive dukdom 6/30/2014
esper modern velldart 6/30/2014
Bant testing stony 6/29/2014
Blue Moon TheHighlife5 6/29/2014
Clique TheHighlife5 6/29/2014
UW CawBlade TheHighlife5 6/29/2014
BUG Faeries TheHighlife5 6/29/2014
Straight Control amcburgerman 6/28/2014
budget delver mac9891 6/28/2014
American Control Ch1nz 6/28/2014
Oloro Control OPQuail 6/28/2014
UG Infect JonteB (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/23/14 6/27/2014
U/R Delver Drauren 6/26/2014

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