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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 4801 - 4850 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Simic Snakes MrTwist82 3/9/2014
Lucas Zombies mattsterjedi 3/9/2014
Lifegain Zed16 3/9/2014
U/G Flash 6r33n4lyf3 3/9/2014
Budget Battle of Wits Zachith 3/8/2014
Choice v2 Hulksmashems 3/6/2014
Magnivore thenickel09 3/6/2014
American Control AAVAS (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/24/14 3/4/2014
American Control EugeneB (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/24/14 3/4/2014
American Control Xfer (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/24/14 3/4/2014
Uwr Delver - Modern barman 3/4/2014
derpfolk hyphycore 3/4/2014
UR Delver Futile_Effort (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/24/14 3/4/2014
Blue Moon Kengur (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/24/14 3/4/2014
Faeries osmanozguney (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/24/14 3/4/2014
Blue Moon greatpagliacci (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/24/14 3/4/2014
Cruel Control cbus05 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/24/14 3/4/2014
Casual UW Spaceman_Splif 3/4/2014
Casual Delver Spaceman_Splif 3/4/2014
Faeries Bablcze MTGO Modern Premier - 6767367 - 2/24/14 9th-16th 3/3/2014
American Midrange _Monstruito_ MTGO Modern Premier - 6767367 - 2/24/14 9th-16th 3/3/2014
American Control EugeneB MTGO Modern Premier - 6767367 - 2/24/14 9th-16th 3/3/2014
Faeries MantafahrerXY MTGO Modern Premier - 6767367 - 2/24/14 5th-8th 3/3/2014
American Midrange sakimmd MTGO Modern Premier - 6767367 - 2/24/14 2nd 3/3/2014
Esper Faerie blade SwordedMan 3/3/2014
Mmmindcrank MrTwist82 3/3/2014
life,wurm,ally,control Kettlechip 3/3/2014
U/B Torpor Orb VandalX187 3/2/2014
U/G Shenanigans joshfred21 3/2/2014
grixis control joshua246 3/2/2014
UWR Control ngoa2254 3/2/2014
Grand Pili HandheldToast 3/2/2014
Shadow of the Colossus HandheldToast 3/2/2014
Dimir Delver cgreenmagic 3/1/2014
Sharuum chaosmkr33 3/1/2014
Jin DarkBugz 2/28/2014
ruffelic control Timmaaay 2/28/2014
Grixis Delver cgreenmagic 2/28/2014
Nassif UW telcontar 2/28/2014
rogues Annibaleo 2/28/2014
Grixis Ascension WIP RandomHero 2/28/2014
EDH Teferi 5.0 filioo 2/28/2014
American Midrange angry_sheep MTGO Modern Premier - 6767358 - 2/23/14 9th-16th 2/28/2014
Blood Faeries jrozier1532 2/28/2014
Blue Moon itsnotme MTGO Modern Premier - 6767358 - 2/23/14 9th-16th 2/28/2014
American Control EugeneB MTGO Modern Premier - 6767358 - 2/23/14 5th-8th 2/28/2014
Faeries osmanozguney MTGO Modern Premier - 6767358 - 2/23/14 5th-8th 2/28/2014
Merfolk krebsi1307 MTGO Modern Premier - 6767358 - 2/23/14 3rd-4th 2/28/2014
Azorius Midrange LovaLova MTGO Modern Premier - 6767335 - 2/23/14 9th-16th 2/28/2014
American Midrange _lluks_ MTGO Modern Premier - 6767335 - 2/23/14 9th-16th 2/28/2014

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