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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 5401 - 5450 of 5475 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
UG Madness Cole Swannack Worlds 2002: Day 1 Decks (5-1) 8/21/2002
UG Madness Dan Clegg Worlds 2002: Day 1 Decks (5-1) 8/21/2002
UG Madness Matt Rubin Worlds 2002: Day 1 Decks (5-1) 8/21/2002
Color Jumble William Jensen Worlds 2002: Day 1 Decks (5-1) 8/21/2002
UG Madness Alex Shvartsman Worlds 2002: Day 1 Decks (5-1) 8/21/2002
RU Madness Gary Campbell Worlds 2002: Day 1 Decks (5-1) 8/20/2002
UG Madness Andres O Montero Worlds 2002: Day 1 Decks (5-1) 8/20/2002
UG madness Edward Ross Worlds 2002: Day 1 Decks (5-1) 8/20/2002
Squirrel Opposition Sim Han How Worlds 2002: Day 1 Decks (6-0) 8/20/2002
UG Madness Randy Ellis Atlanta Open: 2002 5th-8th 7/28/2002
UG Opposition Adrian Carter Atlanta Open: 2002 3rd-4th 7/28/2002
UG Opposition Tony Zamberlan Atlanta Open: 2002 2nd 7/28/2002
UG Opposition Jaime Salvat Atlanta Open: 2002 1st 7/28/2002
Opposition Vincent Gaglio Amateur Championship: 2002 5th-8th 7/23/2002
Loot Wurm Tom LaPille Amateur Championship: 2002 3rd-4th 7/23/2002
Madness Kevin Nam Local 1st 7/19/2002
Madness Joe Wang GP Taipei: 2002 3rd-4th 7/15/2002
Psycatog w-R Albertus HC Law GP Taipei: 2002 3rd-4th 7/15/2002
Opposition Morris Song GP Taipei: 2002 5th-8th 7/15/2002
Opposition Michel Shirozono GP Sao Paulo: 2002 5th-8th 7/15/2002
GUr Mongrel Rodrigo Castro GP Sao Paulo: 2002 5th-8th 7/15/2002
UG Wurms Raphael Gunther GP Sao Paulo: 2002 5th-8th 7/15/2002
Psycha Kenji KIMOTO Regionals 2002: Japan, Hokkaido 1st 4/13/2002
UG Upheaval Adam Prosak Regionals 2002: United States, Ohio Valley 5th-8th 4/13/2002
GUR Madnes Josh Ravitz Regionals 2002: United States, Northeast 5th-8th 4/13/2002
Counter-Madness Chris Clay Regionals 2002: United States, Northern California 3rd-4th 4/13/2002
GUr Madness Oliver Hyde Irish Nationals 5th-8th 4/13/2002
Squirrel Opposition Eugene Harvey US Nationals Final Day: 2002 1st 4/13/2002
RUG Liquid Tempo Blake Quelle US Nationals Final Day: 2002 5th-8th 4/13/2002
Turbo-Dragon Sean McKeown 4/13/2002
Zvi Alpha Alpha Miser Edition San Greenblatt States 2001: New York 2nd 4/13/2002
Fish Seth Burn 4/13/2002
Super-Gro Brian Kibler GP Houston 2001 2nd 4/13/2002
UB Control Tomi Walamies San Diego Masters: 2002 3rd-4th 4/13/2002
Wild Plagiarization (Control) Jay Schneider 4/13/2002
Threshold Tempo Shawn Rayson Regionals 2002: Australia, Perth 2nd 4/13/2002
Mongrel Madness Bruno Lam Regionals 2002: Australia, Melbourne 1st 4/13/2002
Anticipating Ben Fleming Regionals 2002: Australia, Melbourne 5th-8th 4/13/2002
Madness Atog Steffen Schmidt Regionals 2002: Germany, Karlsruhe 1st 4/13/2002
Heavytog Noah Weil States 2001: Minnesota 1st 4/13/2002
U/G Madness Adrián Porta Regionals 2002: Argentina, Buenos Aires 3rd-4th 4/13/2002
Madness Atog Sebastian Hebisch Regionals 2002: Germany, Karlsruhe 5th-8th 4/13/2002
U/G Madness Andreas Hoinisch Regionals 2002: Germany, Karlsruhe 5th-8th 4/13/2002
GUr Madness Adam Bosma Regionals 2002: United States, Ohio Valley 3rd-4th 4/13/2002
Big Guffs and Dirknight Jason Means Regionals 2002: United States, Ohio Valley 5th-8th 4/13/2002
Your Mom in Red Clint Cornwell Regionals 2002: United States, Hawaii 1st 4/13/2002
Firestorm Dan Spiller Magic Online Standard Championship 1st 4/13/2002
Tempo-Madness Trevor Jones Grand Prix Milwaukee: 2002 4/13/2002
Roar of the Tog Kurtis Baumann 4/13/2002
UG Madness Julien Colomb Regionals 2002: France, Cannes 5th-8th 4/13/2002

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