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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 51 - 100 of 103 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
2006 US Nationals - 11th Place Brandon Scheel 2006 Nationals Atlanta, GA 9th-16th 7/31/2006
for whom the knell tolls bloodychimp 6/17/2006
Hunted Horror hammertime222 6/5/2006
Cheap Denial Dyrsh 5/25/2006
2006 Regionals - 7th Place Jon Kornacki 2006 Regionals Phoenix, Arizona 5th-8th 5/20/2006
Disco Stu fireinthehead 5/15/2006
UGR Control prosekdan 5/15/2006
U/W Tron wrathofkokusho 5/12/2006
PrideTron Meloku-CM 5/9/2006
crescent u/r arcbishop 4/25/2006
Bye-bye Mr. Deck Satanicdude 4/19/2006
Mixed up Tizzle 3/30/2006
Uno KhelArk 3/28/2006
R/U/W Help me Construct slackeranti 3/26/2006
Angel's Weirding Meloku-CM 3/21/2006
fling1 splduck 3/12/2006
fling splduck 3/12/2006
MUC Leyline abbaddon 3/7/2006
Owling Mine Tomohiro Kaji 2006 Pro Tour: Honolulu 3/5/2006
Owling Mine Shingo Kurihara 2006 Pro Tour: Honolulu 3/5/2006
U/R Tron Joel Calafell 2006 Pro Tour: Honolulu 3/5/2006
U/R Magnivore Paul Telkamp 2006 Pro Tour: Honolulu 3/5/2006
U/R Tron Michael Bernat 2006 Pro Tour: Honolulu 3/5/2006
Owling Mine Shuhei Nakamura 2006 Pro Tour: Honolulu 3/5/2006
U/B Tron Sebastina Garate 2006 Pro Tour: Honolulu 3/5/2006
U/R Magnivore Arthur Morris 2006 Pro Tour: Honolulu 3/5/2006
U/R Magnivore Nathan Zamora 2006 Pro Tour: Honolulu 3/5/2006
U/R Tron Cory D Aguilard 2006 Pro Tour: Honolulu 3/5/2006
U/R Tron Harry Rolf 2006 Pro Tour: Honolulu 3/5/2006
l'incompreso (bella wagi) noccadura 3/2/2006
Counter Burn Zaxhary 2/27/2006
u/r Control tglove21 2/26/2006
sour 2 ProtosMan1 2/26/2006
Sour ProtosMan1 2/26/2006
Singularity Money MAGIC_gicam 2/25/2006
Mimeofacture Antonino DeRosa 2/22/2006
Mono Blue Control BigBallsDClown 2/21/2006
Tron Mimeofacture Alejandro Racedo and Gustavo F 2/16/2006
Izzet Land Control akujin 2/15/2006
counterburn baldie 2/15/2006
enchantment namo ramo 2/12/2006
Izzet Milling ShadowOfDeath 2/10/2006
UR Control ironman1231 2/10/2006
G/R/U Hunted Force DragonXLotus 2/10/2006
U/R izzet control wrathofcarlo 2/5/2006
UR Quicken Jeroen Remie 2/5/2006
Quicken Control v.1 Jeroen Remie 2/5/2006
Izzit Test wolvierage23 2/5/2006
UB Hunted Singularity DTR 2/2/2006
Hunting for Leylines rookiecp22 2/1/2006

Core Value 3

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