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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1451 - 1500 of 5553 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
WB wipe control GCoO phkd 9/22/2012
Mono-black Midrange TimeStalker 9/22/2012
Jor Kadeen - Artifact Wafamuggin 9/21/2012
Trostin BlitzKriegRDS 9/21/2012
Damia EDH semi-budget jkluge626 9/19/2012
RUG combo HL boothgremlin 9/18/2012
Monoblack Control Andrew Fields Standard Silver TCQ - Canton, OH - 9/15/12 5th-8th 9/18/2012
Monoblack Control Corey Henderson Standard Silver TCQ - Canton, OH - 9/15/12 3rd-4th 9/18/2012
Naya Pod Matthew Westbrook 2012 Silver Qualifier - Get There Games 9/15 5th-8th 9/17/2012
Ghave combo happy linkanred 9/17/2012
Gisela Sunforger ace_kazuma 9/16/2012
Damia, Sage of Stone jkluge626 9/16/2012
Soldiers suprsuppishman 9/15/2012
Red&Blue Izzet Coal777 9/14/2012
Linessa, Zephyr Mage EDH asd07c 9/14/2012
Sammy Jasonoro 9/13/2012
Ghave commander Trevor42 9/13/2012
ledg budget liquidmetal ledg 9/12/2012
GW Controlish IWannaBTractor 9/10/2012
ledgpod ledg 9/10/2012
Black Market Zack Adgie 2012 TCGplayer Open 5K - Atlanta 9th-16th 9/10/2012
Riku of Two Reflectio Yanu 9/10/2012
UB Zombies Nik Vincent 2012 StarCity Open Standard - Portland - 9/8 5th-8th 9/10/2012
Naya Pod Nate Sletteland 2012 StarCity Open Standard - Portland - 9/8 5th-8th 9/10/2012
Black Market Jason Dank 2012 Platinum Qualifier - Xtreme Games 9/8 2nd 9/10/2012
BR Zombies Paul Lara 2012 Bronze Qualifier - Red Sky Comics 9/9 5th-8th 9/10/2012
Nope, Sakashima iAdams 9/9/2012
Kresh EDH Gusstorm132 9/9/2012
Achy Breaky Heart thomasviney 9/9/2012
Kresh Prince of Bel-Air Zylmer95 9/9/2012
Kazuul Red RinzlerLegacy 9/9/2012
Mikaeus Whicker3 9/7/2012
asdf Whicker3 9/7/2012
Mikaeus, the Unhallowed Whicker3 9/7/2012
grixlander HL boothgremlin 9/6/2012
Kaervek the Merciless solamnus 9/6/2012
Artifact Stroodle 9/5/2012
BR make shift GGrowth 9/5/2012
Tokens gsmastermike 9/4/2012
Vorosh, counter-crazy Dontsayjk 9/4/2012
Black Market Charles Schutt Standard Platinum TCQ - Ocoee, FL - 9/1/12 5th-8th 9/4/2012
ulamog abyssal 9/3/2012
Sakashima iAdams 9/3/2012
BR Zombies Ben Vrba 2012 StarCity Open Standard - Minneapolis - 9/1 9th-16th 9/3/2012
blue comand atomsk12 9/3/2012
[Touch of Nin] OmegaLegacy 9/3/2012
Teeg the Beast Frozencajun 9/2/2012
monoblack goat farm bayobar 9/2/2012
Kresh EDH rokresh 9/1/2012

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