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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 4301 - 4350 of 5553 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
UB Artifacts areeweblind 1/31/2011
Liquimetal Theft azul 1/31/2011
Phyrexian Team Alpha sirjimithy 1/31/2011
Venser, the Infecter 2.0 specs808 1/31/2011
OmNomNomNath Tombie15 1/31/2011
Black Massacre Crithos 1/31/2011
UB Tezz Infect adixxx 1/31/2011
Mono black aggro grymreaper 1/31/2011
B/U vat control mcclan76 1/31/2011
Wurm Control rancidben 1/31/2011
Mal de los Rastojos Z-TFU 1/30/2011
infect need help! djprim3 1/30/2011
BG Aggro (Scars Block) gunit413 1/30/2011
Building Glissa Right Monsoon 1/30/2011
vat agro (comment) dq911 1/30/2011
Liquidmetal Vat sojo1024 1/29/2011
Discard sojo1024 1/29/2011
2 contagious djprim3 1/29/2011
BR Vat NixWesthoff 1/29/2011
Ub phryxian sealed winner MarxMarvelous 1/29/2011
Jund Land D AcKS 1/29/2011
BR Control Clown 1/28/2011
Uncle Fester GitarooMan 1/28/2011
MBC (inputs plz) EmilCastro 1/28/2011
MB Poison DrSATAN 1/28/2011
ugw vat v1 M5erlin 1/28/2011
UB Metalcraft IMillJund 1/27/2011
Tezzerator azul 1/27/2011
Nath owns The Nephilim 1/27/2011
budget u/b vat comment dq911 1/27/2011
Valakut for the win guitarherokami 1/27/2011
Venser Control firstandrepair 1/27/2011
Infect 5.0 sojo1024 1/27/2011
MBC joaopaulomls 1/27/2011
New B/U control mcclan76 1/27/2011
Sac and Destroy GGrowth 1/26/2011
MBC Trolloc 1/26/2011
Liquimetal Control (SB?) hellbound1345 1/26/2011
BlackMagic djprim3 1/26/2011
Green Aggro dipnasty 1/25/2011
Horde of EDH Saffell 1/24/2011
BLDS (best land d stand.) AcKS 1/24/2011
allies menasty 1/24/2011
u/b ally (cmmt + help) kevinz 1/24/2011
Budget MBC Cruel_Tomato 1/24/2011
B/G Timbervat (Thoughts?) Derekfurreal 1/24/2011
lich equipment control TimmyTurner 1/24/2011
White Knights - Besieged fishwaffle 1/24/2011
Venser jetstrike 1/24/2011
Green Deck Wins munckee 1/24/2011

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