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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 8801 - 8850 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Sultai Delver Damon Howell 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Richmond - 11/23 9th-16th 11/24/2014
Ad Nauseam Tendrils Scott Waldron 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Richmond - 11/23 9th-16th 11/24/2014
Jeskai Delver Dylan Donegan 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Richmond - 11/23 9th-16th 11/24/2014
5 Colors - Infinite Death XEQSHUNA 11/24/2014
Sharuum the cheater trsblur 11/23/2014
Epic piromancer Lyoidsen 11/23/2014
Bant Midrange MrAce 11/23/2014
Scapeshift roxas_123 11/23/2014
Pompapod The Hooligan 11/23/2014
Dark Depths Dex23541 11/23/2014
Gift Rats TacoMaster 11/22/2014
Treasure bane elementalheroflamewingman 11/22/2014
GB Elves TheGreatest 11/22/2014
MonoBlue MUD supahman44 11/21/2014
UR Landstill Prockhimself 11/20/2014
Scapeshift tenele (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 11/17/14 11/19/2014
Scapeshift Feuerteufel (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 11/10/14 11/19/2014
UR Delver cduck (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 11/10/14 11/19/2014
Scapeshift buky (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 11/10/14 11/19/2014
Scapeshift therock988 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 11/10/14 11/19/2014
Scapeshift Thalai (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 11/10/14 11/19/2014
Scapeshift ecobaronen (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 11/10/14 11/19/2014
Blue Moon daibloXSC (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 11/10/14 11/19/2014
UR Delver braveskid95 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 11/10/14 11/19/2014
food chain fireblade1357 11/18/2014
A Wild Delvergoyf appears aalistor 11/18/2014
Splinter Twin Antonio Del Moral León 2014 Grand Prix Madrid - 11/15 9th-16th 11/18/2014
Scapeshift Milan Niznansky 2014 Grand Prix Madrid - 11/15 9th-16th 11/18/2014
Blue Moon Sergio Matesanz 2014 Grand Prix Madrid - 11/15 9th-16th 11/18/2014
Counter Cat bibo 11/18/2014
4color Death Blade sidkah 11/17/2014
America legacy terrytheexpert 11/17/2014
Scapeshift Till Riffert 2014 Grand Prix Madrid - 11/15 2nd 11/17/2014
Temur Delver Immanuel Gerschenson 2014 Grand Prix Madrid - 11/15 1st 11/17/2014
UG Infect Tom Ross 2014 Grand Prix New Jersey - 11/15 2nd 11/17/2014
Ad Nauseam Tendrils Royce Walter 2014 Grand Prix New Jersey - 11/15 3rd-4th 11/17/2014
UR Delver Dan Jordan 2014 Grand Prix New Jersey - 11/15 5th-8th 11/17/2014
UR Landstill Lam Phan 2014 Grand Prix New Jersey - 11/15 5th-8th 11/17/2014
Omni-Tell Akash Naidu 2014 Grand Prix New Jersey - 11/15 9th-16th 11/17/2014
Elves Ross Merriam 2014 Grand Prix New Jersey - 11/15 9th-16th 11/17/2014
Grixis Control Eli Kassis 2014 Grand Prix New Jersey - 11/15 9th-16th 11/17/2014
Scapeshift landhate cj654 11/16/2014
Rug Midrange Buffman1127 11/16/2014
Infect Legacy Budget Terminum 11/15/2014
Plug eclout45 11/14/2014
Reanimator 11/14/14 MTGocd 11/14/2014
ANT 11/14/14 MTGocd 11/14/2014
Melira Pod sneakattackkid (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 11/3/14 11/14/2014
Scapeshift JRaffe (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 11/3/14 11/14/2014
UR Delver allimos (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 11/3/14 11/14/2014

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