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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 7701 - 7750 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Monoblue Devotion Chad Taylor 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Seattle - 10/19 5th-8th 10/21/2013
Monoblue Devotion Max Rauch 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Seattle - 10/19 9th-16th 10/21/2013
Monored Devotion Danny Magda 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Seattle - 10/19 9th-16th 10/21/2013
Azorius Control Ryan Bemrose 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Seattle - 10/19 9th-16th 10/21/2013
Monoblack Devotion Jordan Cairns 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Seattle - 10/19 9th-16th 10/21/2013
Azorius Control Melissa DeTora 10/21/2013
Red Deck Wins Jeremy Stowe 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Milwaukee - 10/12 2nd 10/21/2013
Boros Aggro Adrian Sullivan 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Milwaukee - 10/12 3rd-4th 10/21/2013
Boros Midrange John Bagley 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Milwaukee - 10/12 5th-8th 10/21/2013
Rakdos Midrange Jake Mey 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Milwaukee - 10/12 9th-16th 10/21/2013
Monoblack Devotion Peter Tragos 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Milwaukee - 10/12 9th-16th 10/21/2013
Monoblue Devotion Sean Weihe 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Milwaukee - 10/12 9th-16th 10/21/2013
wb midrange wilrow87 10/21/2013
Monoblack Devotion Justin Derai TCGplayer Open 5K 10/19/2013 - Providence 9th-16th 10/21/2013
Azorius Control Luis Alfonso TCGplayer Open 5K 10/19/2013 - Providence 9th-16th 10/21/2013
Boros Aggro Dan Paine TCGplayer Open 5K 10/19/2013 - Providence 9th-16th 10/21/2013
Azorius Control Chase Kovac TCGplayer Open 5K 10/19/2013 - Providence 9th-16th 10/21/2013
Golgari Midrange Brian Siu TCGplayer Open 5K 10/19/2013 - Providence 9th-16th 10/21/2013
Monoblue Devotion Kevin Jones TCGplayer Open 5K 10/19/2013 - Providence 5th-8th 10/21/2013
blue devo bobbird666 10/21/2013
Monoblue Devotion Anthony Huynh TCGplayer Open 5K 10/19/2013 - Providence 2nd 10/21/2013
Monoblack Devotion Brian Braun-Duin 2013 Grand Prix Louisville - 10/19 1st 10/21/2013
Mono black control flushdereal 10/21/2013
Monored Devoted Aggro ProTourPlayer 10/21/2013
Black Devotion zulu 10/20/2013
mono black are u devoted cade34 10/20/2013
Monoblack Devotion ultimania92 10/20/2013
MB Deviltion carrie.wilson 10/20/2013
RW Burn Nightwish97 10/20/2013
BU Dev Confirm4Crit 10/20/2013
Monoblack Devotion cjk73 10/20/2013
Naya Slivers Skitz1789 10/20/2013
white hanyou 10/20/2013
G/B Control Nocturnus89 10/20/2013
BW midrange El Veneno 10/20/2013
MB whiteshadw 10/20/2013
Wavemaster Shinikaji 10/19/2013
UB Devotion atreyu 10/19/2013
The rock says Gumbygum 10/19/2013
Rg Beat Opticum 10/19/2013
Godo, Bandit Warlord abyssal 10/19/2013
Devotion to Dimir eggbeater 10/19/2013
Orzhov Beats SadPanda187 10/18/2013
Azorius Control riledeez 10/18/2013
Ghost Ride the Whip nitehauk 10/18/2013
esper control kudasagi 10/18/2013
Demons and Dragons Garcy21 10/18/2013
blue bobbird666 10/18/2013
RedDevotion003 sielko 10/18/2013
Monoblue Devotion Anthony Devarti TCGplayer Fall States 2013 - Kentucky 5th-8th 10/18/2013

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