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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1301 - 1350 of 1516 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
nahiri's prison bigchuck 8/6/2016
Burning Angels onuris 8/5/2016
Kaalia of the Vast final arcticfox2012 8/4/2016
Cost Sokits 8/4/2016
Planeswalkers darkscion1 8/3/2016
Doubly Ridiculous PureOkieTek 8/2/2016
Mardu Pact Josh Early 2016 SCG Open Standard - Baltimore - 7/30 8/2/2016
Nahiri Goggles jace19 8/1/2016
Archangel Avacyn 2.0 WriterofWrong 8/1/2016
Nahiri Jeskai SWINGFORLETHAL 7/29/2016
R/W tokens Nate9837 7/28/2016
Four-Color Deploy the Gatewatch Takashi Yamauchi 7/28/2016
Jeskai Walkers Nate9837 7/27/2016
Mardu Control Nate9837 7/27/2016
Mardu Angels laineithman 7/25/2016
Nahiri Boom lnazario 7/21/2016
Restore Balance Ryan Cubit WMCQ Australia 1st 7/21/2016
Mardu Yu Yin WMCQ China 1st 7/21/2016
Tron Walkers xXHildyXx 7/20/2016
5C Doubling Walkers Ali Aintrazi 7/17/2016
Nahiri Naya eyewtkas 7/17/2016
rw angels spazboy474 7/15/2016
Mardu Control nojuice1 7/13/2016
Painter/Grindstone MDA11 7/13/2016
Jeskai Control _Iluks_ MTGO Competitive Modern League (5-0): 7/11-7/17 7/13/2016
Scapeshift Bayesta_93 MTGO Competitive Modern League (5-0): 7/11-7/17 7/13/2016
Deploy the Gatewatch Conley Woods 7/13/2016
Four-Color Dragonwalkers Conley Woods 7/13/2016
Nahiri Jeskai MT243 7/12/2016
Five-Color Planeswalkers Ali Aintrazi 7/12/2016
Jeskai Humans Aggro kopithon 7/12/2016
R/G Ramp Richard Nowak 2016 SCG Classic Standard - Worcester - 7/10 9th-16th 7/11/2016
Four-Color Rites Dan Jessup 2016 SCG Classic Standard - Worcester - 7/10 9th-16th 7/11/2016
Knightfall Eli Kassis 2016 SCG Classic Modern - Worcester - 7/10 1st 7/11/2016
RUW Control SilentSerph 7/7/2016
Nahiri Naya kuchinawa MTGO Standard PTQ: 7/4 1st 7/7/2016
Nahiri's Combos TheeWood 7/6/2016
G/W Tokens eyewtkas 7/6/2016
Mardu Harmless Pact Ali Aintrazi 7/5/2016
Doubling Planeswalkers Corbin Hosler 7/1/2016
Nahiri and Her Dragons3.0 VaultDweller92 6/29/2016
Ben's Second BestDeckEver njmickel 6/29/2016
RW control kiwibeast1 6/29/2016
R/W Nahari Modern Glassjaw11 6/29/2016
4-Color Company Kelvin Chew 2016 Grand Prix Taipei 6/28/2016
Naya Midrange Takeuchi Ryota 2016 Grand Prix Taipei 6/28/2016
Naya Planeswalkers Tyler Hill 2016 Grand Prix Pittsburgh 6/28/2016
Nahiri Chord Jeff Hoogland 2016 SCG Open Modern - Dallas - 6/25 9th-16th 6/28/2016
Nahiri Chord Tony Le 2016 SCG Open Modern - Dallas - 6/25 9th-16th 6/28/2016
Jeskai Control Jim Davis 2016 SCG Open Modern - Dallas - 6/25 5th-8th 6/28/2016

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