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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 301 - 350 of 555 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Esper Control Eric Severson Pro Tour Shadows over Innistrad 4/24/2016
Esper Control Tommy Ashton Pro Tour Shadows over Innistrad 4/24/2016
Esper Control Mark Jacobson Pro Tour Shadows over Innistrad 4/24/2016
Esper Control Seth Manfield Pro Tour Shadows over Innistrad 3rd-4th 4/24/2016
Esper Control Unknown 4/24/2016
Shu Yun mysteryking 4/23/2016
Esper Token Control 2.0 ColeSpire 4/21/2016
Esper Control Trent Sawicki 2016 SCG Open Standard - Columbus - 4/16 4/20/2016
Narset's Spark soullesskilla 4/19/2016
Esper Dragon's V2 Godines12 4/19/2016
Esper Super Friends zinkx 4/15/2016
Esper Control V2 Godines12 4/14/2016
Jeskai (Weird Stuff) blacksmycolor 4/9/2016
UW Thing In The Abbey Geist 4/3/2016
W/U Engulf Conley Woods 3/30/2016
Turbo Fog mysteryking 3/30/2016
Jeskai Ascendancy Vicent Silvestre 2016 Grand Prix Paris 3/24/2016
Jaceless Esper TheHighlife5 3/19/2016
Merieke Ri Berit StringerJazz 3/19/2016
Esper Dragons bone55 MTGO Standard League (5-0): 3/14-3/20 3/16/2016
Narset Superfirneds FreeloaderMC 3/10/2016
W/U Superfriends mnaglich 2/29/2016
Esper Mill CalvinTTrgr 2/27/2016
UW Modern nickles 2/24/2016
Esper Control reiderrabbit MTGO Standard MOCS: 2/13 2/18/2016
OTG Gameday crusher Dragosi 2/16/2016
Bant Walkers F4RM3RR 2/15/2016
5C planeswalker katsuhiro 2/5/2016
5C SUPERFRIENDS cmdrsmushy 2/4/2016
UW Control TheeWood 2/4/2016
Braces sidkah 2/4/2016
Chromatic Control Hyphii 1/29/2016
Ojutai ReSurgence sevifor 1/28/2016
Wait till u c my Mill LaQuifa 1/27/2016
Bant Turbo Fog Hajile 1/27/2016
Bant Superfriends FreeloaderMC 1/26/2016
Sen Triplets Control FreeloaderMC 1/22/2016
Ojutai Control FreeloaderMC 1/21/2016
4C Badfun.dec CalvinTTrgr 1/19/2016
bant turns/superfriends spindrpierce 1/17/2016
Turbo Planeswalkers kraftman 1/8/2016
Esper Tokens kuecks35 (5-0) MTGO Standard League (5-0) - Week of 12/14/15 1/7/2016
U/W Control Jacob Harris MaxPoint Platinum - BC Comix and Games - 12/27/15 2nd 1/6/2016
WUcontrol chandler1 1/3/2016
For the Love of Walking MusicKing69 1/1/2016
Esper Control 6.0 opeth2013 12/31/2015
Narcissistic Narset MusicKing69 12/30/2015
U/W Control YoghurtPot99 (5-0) MTGO Modern League (5-0) - Week of 11/23/15 12/22/2015
Jeskai Control BakaGaijin34 (5-0) MTGO Modern League (5-0) - Week of 11/23/15 12/22/2015
Esper Control Jaberwocki (5-0) MTGO Standard League (5-0) - Week of 11/23/15 12/16/2015

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