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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 2101 - 2150 of 2570 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Scion of the Ur DragonEDH NinjaMaiden 7/3/2011
Brion EDH pacifism 7/2/2011
Grand Arbiter EDH NinjaMaiden 7/2/2011
Skullbriar Commander JGannon 7/2/2011
Cromat EDH-Best Deck Ever jace19 6/30/2011
Memnarch Ashwatzi 6/29/2011
Dragons xknivesx 6/29/2011
Rafiq EDH Deck Inernest 6/29/2011
Geth, Lord of the Vault Tokyo630 6/28/2011
Glissa, Cruel Artifice TheDivinePanda 6/28/2011
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker Trick Jarrett 6/27/2011
Sharuum the Hegemon blk_magic 6/27/2011
Atogatog Rave! ]{ilRag 6/26/2011
Animar, Magnet of Bolts bobloblaw 6/26/2011
Kraj A Go Go TheDivinePanda 6/24/2011
JB (Jhoira Broken) d3@th 6/24/2011
Arcum Dagsson EDH Bazzar Trader 6/23/2011
Sharuum, the Hegemon EDH jace19 6/23/2011
Treva EDH Genth 6/23/2011
Kommander Karn Jord-Tron 5000 6/21/2011
Kami Djcrac3 6/19/2011
Mono Black Control watson285 6/18/2011
Mortal Combat Win gomillia 6/18/2011
Numot, the Devastator Xingact 6/17/2011
Zur The Enchanter EDH Rylad1313 6/16/2011
Dark Obliterator Valafor 6/15/2011
Momir ETB bvals10 6/13/2011
Thrun, the Last Troll Ed3209 6/11/2011
Karrthus cmhhss1 6/11/2011
Chaos Assassins Xyx 6/10/2011
Niv-Mizzet EDH Turbei 6/10/2011
Iname 2.0? Dessy 6/9/2011
Cromat Biggies aceofspades88 6/8/2011
Ashling, The Extinguisher omegasraft 6/8/2011
Commander Sharuum Ankletanks 6/8/2011
sharum jpnum1 6/8/2011
Sachi, Daughter Quarterpinte 6/7/2011
sen triplets kmfdm_32 6/5/2011
UB Sygg - Updated davikap 6/4/2011
mikaeus combo monogreen 6/4/2011
NY '95 Championship Deck leather_w0lf 6/3/2011
Mono Black Oona EDH remfan1988 6/2/2011
Sygg, River Cutthroat davikap 6/1/2011
Jenara, Asura of EDH SirMelchior 5/31/2011
Zombie EDH lolbifrons 5/30/2011
Rend lolbifrons 5/27/2011
Mono Blue Control Duckerz28 5/26/2011
The Ladies Love Arcanis Raygun Jones 5/26/2011
Karn EDH blueberrytancakes 5/25/2011
muc allegro 5/25/2011

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