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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1001 - 1050 of 1107 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Orzhov enchantments mogilny 5/23/2014
Daigo strippers Trollverton 5/23/2014
Azorius Control viktorkav (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/12/14 5/22/2014
American Control Keenan Davidson MaxPoint Platinum - Hotsauce Games - 5/18/14 1st 5/22/2014
Orzhov Control Mauro Garcia MaxPoint Silver - Myth Adventures - 5/17/14 1st 5/22/2014
American Control Place Brian Grimm MaxPoint Silver - Galaxy Games - 5/10/14 5th-8th 5/22/2014
Azorius Control Connor Murphy MaxPoint Silver - Phantasy Hobbies - 5/4/14 3rd-4th 5/22/2014
Azorius Control Brandon Nelson MaxPoint Silver - Phantasy Hobbies - 5/4/14 1st 5/22/2014
Life Lopon3 5/21/2014
Enchantress Zurthegreat 5/21/2014
RW Devotion Codeman138 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/5/14 5/21/2014
RW Devotion Codeman138 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/5/14 5/21/2014
Br eaking Ba nt selith69 5/21/2014
Bant superwalkers thelerman 5/20/2014
Lern american control thelerman 5/20/2014
Bant (Game Day) selith69 5/20/2014
w/u R1e2D 5/20/2014
u/b midrange R1e2D 5/20/2014
BW life drain Solkanar 5/20/2014
Lulz-y Lifegain M¡ke 5/19/2014
GW Midrange Stevethedoer 5/18/2014
Junk Constellation arendal 5/18/2014
junk enchantments Devious 5/17/2014
American Control Andorfine 5/17/2014
Junk Blossoms VandalX187 5/17/2014
Junk Midrange CrimsonLiege 5/17/2014
GW Enchants Dibacabo 5/17/2014
Orzhov Enchant gbnubcake 5/16/2014
Jani Walkers rgils85 5/16/2014
Enchantments matter leonbread 5/16/2014
Maze-ish skeletalvampir 5/15/2014
GW Enchantress PhillyHammer 5/15/2014
launch the fleet XxBeeterxX 5/15/2014
Azorius Control Adrian Hunter MaxPoint Platinum - Pandemonium - 5/10/14 3rd-4th 5/15/2014
Azorius Control Long Song MaxPoint Platinum - Empire Game Center - 5/10/14 5th-8th 5/15/2014
GW Enchantress Frank Lepore 5/15/2014
Blossoms Bant XV selith69 5/14/2014
Esper Nasty LaQuifa 5/14/2014
BantChantments Melissa DeTora 5/14/2014
Card binder price check Jboro99 5/13/2014
junk standard terrytheexpert 5/13/2014
Maze's End garrro01 5/13/2014
Esper Control Cam Adkins 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Knoxville - 5/10 5th-8th 5/13/2014
Azorius Control Kye Nelson 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Knoxville - 5/10 9th-16th 5/13/2014
Azorius Control Spencer Williams TCGplayer Open 5K Boxborough, MA - 5/10/14 9th-16th 5/12/2014
Boros Burn Christopher Barone TCGplayer Open 5K Boxborough, MA - 5/10/14 5th-8th 5/12/2014
UW Heroic mahalajr2000 5/11/2014
Blossoms Bant XI selith69 5/11/2014
Esper Ctrl JOU Spaceman_Splif 5/11/2014
B/W Midrange CrimsonLiege 5/9/2014

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