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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 301 - 350 of 378 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Zur The Enchanter EDH Rylad1313 6/16/2011
Merieke firstandrepair 6/12/2011
Niv-Mizzet EDH Turbei 6/10/2011
Niv Mizzet EDH Slayer one3 6/6/2011
Zur the Hated firstandrepair 5/27/2011
Gwendlyn Di Corci EDH ericokey 4/24/2011
Experiment Kraj EDH Bazzar Trader 4/24/2011
bloom from the real sougiro236 4/18/2011
Kira EDH cow_hunter 4/4/2011
Fireball Combo (!) Bomasterflex 3/18/2011
Icky Oozes Meddling Mage 3/13/2011
UG Shenanigans slipknot20085 3/3/2011
Zur Aura EDH Nick 30075 2/27/2011
Overlord sfz3jjho 2/20/2011
Berit - Queen of Control Soviet_Green 1/30/2011
Combo Happy blacksmycolor 1/21/2011
Experiment Kraj!!! blacksmycolor 1/21/2011
Experiment Kraj EDH blacksmycolor 1/20/2011
Azami b4k3d 12/13/2010
Kaho 2.0 Maniacmadmax 11/18/2010
myractor JesterXO 11/17/2010
ESPER EDH philoshow 10/16/2010
Experiment Kraj EDH zackhammer 10/2/2010
Unlimited Slivers rifle 9/12/2010
spell list TheGrimace 9/8/2010
Niv-Mizzet EDH Awesometon 9/6/2010
elf runes nic 9/5/2010
Tim Shamo 8/16/2010
Zur EDH 666Metalhead 8/9/2010
Azami EDH tadtheerickopp 7/11/2010
EDH rev TheGrimace 7/2/2010
Zur Control Tru3z3rox 5/29/2010
Renewed g/u edh MTG-YX 5/16/2010
G/U EDH MTG-YX 5/16/2010
Killer Land Supreme jerot 5/11/2010
Pinger iaintgotnothin 4/20/2010
I'd Tap That forteanubis 3/9/2010
Inifinite Loop kippy 3/3/2010
PimPam Library kesoytiza 2/4/2010
Combotastic! TheUnknownMan 8/13/2009
Crack Rock tragicaddict 7/31/2009
inf. damage dragunhero 6/17/2009
infinite damage dragunhero 6/9/2009
Infinite Reliquary ben. igorovich 6/1/2009
U/W Morph Fastlane2121 3/26/2009
Niv-Mizzet EDH 4 malcolmbw 3/11/2009
Timmy jfkeeling 11/14/2008
Infinite Merfolk Combos CottonSmitty 10/20/2007
Dryad Pwn Osiris105 6/1/2007

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