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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 301 - 350 of 897 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
BUG control pinkballz 10/6/2012
BUG control feline 10/5/2012
Zombies feline 10/2/2012
Esper Stone-Blade Brian Eason 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Atlanta - 9/23 2nd 9/26/2012
Esper Stone-Blade Matt Hoey 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Atlanta - 9/23 9th-16th 9/26/2012
Esper Stone-Blade Shaheen Soorani 2012 StarCity Invitational Legacy - Atlanta 5th-8th 9/26/2012
UB Control AJ Sacher 2012 StarCity Invitational Legacy - Atlanta 9th-16th 9/26/2012
Esper Stone-Blade Brian Eason 2012 StarCity Invitational Legacy - Atlanta 9th-16th 9/26/2012
Goblins Cedric Phillips 2012 StarCity Invitational Legacy - Atlanta 9th-16th 9/26/2012
Zombies Sam Black 2012 StarCity Invitational Legacy - Atlanta 9th-16th 9/26/2012
B/W/G Pox LeDestroyer 9/24/2012
BUG Control Dane Roybal 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Los Angeles - 9/16 9th-16th 9/17/2012
souleater(tested) morganshort 9/14/2012
Olivia Voldaren A/C tarridius 9/14/2012
Zombies Dirk Mantooth 9/12/2012
Goblins nitehauk 9/10/2012
Team Italia Cody Lingelbach 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Portland - 9/9 3rd-4th 9/10/2012
Goblins Jesse Roberts 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Portland - 9/9 5th-8th 9/10/2012
Goblins Daniel Sonderland 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Portland - 9/9 9th-16th 9/10/2012
Team Italia KingHrothgar 9/9/2012
Goblin Rampage CMtX 9/9/2012
P3 - PsychaThree CMtX 9/9/2012
The Killing Edge CMtX 9/9/2012
ub yuniee 9/8/2012
Legacy Zombies mazerin 9/6/2012
u/b morganshort 9/5/2012
Esper Stone-Blade Brandon Nelson 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Minneapolis - 9/2 9th-16th 9/3/2012
UB Faerie Valleyman 9/2/2012
lily pox andycoletrain 8/30/2012
Reanimator Grant Wilkinson 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Denver - 8/26 3rd-4th 8/27/2012
Esper Stone-Blade Richard Taylor Chambers 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Denver - 8/26 5th-8th 8/27/2012
Bw Zombie Control Mandrew 8/23/2012
Exalted2 AndresRios 8/22/2012
Merfolk Anthony Wetherby Legacy Silver TCQ - Camillus, NY - 7/21/12 5th-8th 8/21/2012
Esper Stone-Blade Stephen Rice Legacy Silver TCQ - Camillus, NY - 7/21/12 3rd-4th 8/21/2012
Legacy Affinity hotcblog 8/20/2012
Esper Stone-Blade Matt Hoey 2012 Legacy Championship 5th-8th 8/20/2012
4c Aggro Loam braggro1989 8/18/2012
Hymn to Discard Known 8/18/2012
Goblin 2 ErTy 8/13/2012
Esper Stone-Blade David Thomas 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Kansas City - 8/12 3rd-4th 8/13/2012
Esper Stone-Blade Matt Hoey 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Kansas City - 8/12 3rd-4th 8/13/2012
Legacy - Monoblack Contro loerien 8/11/2012
Esper Stone-Blade Shaheen Soorani 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Washington DC - 8/5 9th-16th 8/8/2012
Merfolk William Nichols 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Buffalo - 7/29 9th-16th 8/2/2012
Esper Stone-Blade Josh Gluntzman 2012 Platinum Qualifier - BC Comix 7/29 8/1/2012
Discard Platinum330 7/29/2012
Junk youngskybalker 7/28/2012
Esper StoneBlade MercSavage 7/26/2012
Esper Stone-Blade Emanuele Marcotti 2012 Grand Prix Ghent - 7/21 3rd-4th 7/26/2012

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