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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 2051 - 2100 of 2137 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Domain Kai Budde Grand Prix: London 2001 1st 4/13/2002
Domain Jonathan Tyldsley 4/13/2002
Dome-ain Scott Kasliner States 2001: New Jersey 3rd-4th 4/13/2002
B/G CreatureBeats Shawn Iden States 2001: Iowa 3rd-4th 4/13/2002
Dark Woods Shane Sams 4/13/2002
UBg Control Jim Roy Las Vegas GPT: Edmonton 1st 4/13/2002
Modified Three Deuce Paul Creedy PTQ Osaka: London 12/1/01 5th-8th 4/13/2002
UBg Control Josh Smith GP Houston 2001 1st 4/13/2002
The Grimm Master Jarrod Bright 4/13/2002
Lucky Charms Michael Jacob 4/13/2002
GB Beats Neil Brady 4/13/2002
Enter the Wookie Rick Graham 4/13/2002
The Grimm Master v3.1 Jarrod Bright None 4/13/2002
The House Mike Rzepka 4/13/2002
Psychatog Luis Barba Regionals 2002: Mexico, Mexico City 2nd 4/13/2002
Counter Monger Ryouji Yoshizawa Regionals 2002: Japan, Chugoku 1st 4/13/2002
BGU CwAzY Adam Kirschner Regionals 2002: United States, Northeast 2nd 4/13/2002
Roar of the Tog Kurtis Baumann 4/13/2002
Perfect BUG George D-Brenan 4/13/2002
Le SecDarkophant Jean-Charles Salvin Regionals 2002: France, Cannes 1st 4/13/2002
RGb Beatdown Laurent Varoqueaux Regionals 2002: France, Champagne 5th-8th 4/13/2002
Domain Seth Burn 4/13/2002
La Ultima llamada para el Pan Yosef Abadi Regionals 2002: Mexico, Mexico City 1st 4/13/2002
B/G Salomon Chacon Regionals 2002: Mexico, Mexico City 3rd-4th 4/13/2002
Camoflauge William Langford 4/13/2002
Box of Chocolates Zvi Mowshowitz 4/13/2002
Terminator Unknown Regionals 2002: United States, Northwest 2nd 4/13/2002
Amanda`s Anniversary Gift Jesse Inman States 2001: South Carolina 3rd-4th 4/13/2002
Snake Flick Gareth Gullett States 2001: Arkansas 1st 4/13/2002
Borrowed from Dan Paul South States 2001: Missouri 1st 4/13/2002
Dome-ain Sean McKeown 4/13/2002
BGw Beast Tristan Davenport States 2001: California 1st 4/13/2002
DeedControl Joseph Cain States 2001: Florida 5th-8th 4/13/2002
UBg InfiltratorDeed Richard Halsall States 2001: Ontario Provincials 9th-16th 4/13/2002
BWG Deed/Echoes Ryan Mayrand States 2001: Wisconsin 4/13/2002
PT Junk Kaare Anderson GP Las Vegas - 2001 5th-8th 4/13/2002
PT Junk Shannon Krumick GP Las Vegas - 2001 5th-8th 4/13/2002
Ux Heavy Control Derek Snyripa Las Vegas GPT: Edmonton 5th-8th 4/13/2002
The Rock and his Millions Michael LeFevre PTQ Osaka: Seattle, 12/15/01 2nd 4/13/2002
The Rock and his Millions Marc Sozynski PTQ Osaka: Columbus 12/15/01 5th-8th 4/13/2002
Junk Daniel Hanson PTQ Osaka: Seattle 2002 5th-8th 4/13/2002
B/G/W Monger-Deed Frank Tschirner Regionals 2002: Germany, Brandenburg 5th-8th 4/13/2002
G/B Braids Stefan Naudé Regionals 2002: S Africa, Cape Town 5th-8th 4/13/2002
Domain Zvi Mowshowitz 4/13/2002
BG Marcio Cabral Regionals 2002: Brasil, P 1st 4/13/2002
Gurzi-Control Makoto Satou Regionals 2002: Japan, Touhoku 1st 4/13/2002
BRG Braids Nick Little Regionals 2002: United States, Midwest 5th-8th 4/13/2002
PT Junk Sean McKeown 4/13/2002
Standard Junk Steve Shears 4/13/2002
Spiritcentaur Jacob Bagha 4/13/2002

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