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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1851 - 1900 of 2088 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Bant Legacy c00rdinator 8/18/2010
Sliver EDH grouty 8/16/2010
swan assault kendallstump 8/11/2010
RGbw Aggro Loam Zevin_Mars 8/8/2010
Hellion Doll Chipsinabox 8/7/2010
Spirit Avatar Rampage BurnHead 8/5/2010
r/b/w legacy twitch20012345 8/4/2010
Zoo battle magnum 7/31/2010
Zoo sacrilegious 7/31/2010
ValaLols Comments Rofl. bitexe 7/29/2010
Zoo Bradley Carpenter 7/27/2010
Naya D rafiq1 7/27/2010
Zooo final! neuad 7/25/2010
hyper vagariousdragon 7/21/2010
zoo royemunson 7/20/2010
Zooooo neuad 7/18/2010
defense of the heart deckcreator607 7/16/2010
Sliver Overlord EDH tadtheerickopp 7/14/2010
Dwarven Charbelcher Matt the Great 7/14/2010
Planewalker EDH kdoan 7/13/2010
Cmdr Progenitus andyrut 7/11/2010
Cmdr Rith, The Awakener andyrut 7/11/2010
Sligh Zoo neuad 7/10/2010
Aggro Loam neuad 7/9/2010
R/W/G Zoo2 Insane.Zaine 7/9/2010
Scion of Ur-Dragon EDH tadtheerickopp 7/8/2010
agrro loam Insane.Zaine 7/8/2010
Damage x 4 oddioguy45 7/8/2010
BGWRU elemental EDH Sinders 7/4/2010
Stone Zoo iluvrout 7/4/2010
Zoo akiratheoni 7/3/2010
Hazezon Tamar EDH mkniffen 7/2/2010
Sneak Attack1 MichaelMCM131 6/29/2010
EDH - Uril spkelley21 6/29/2010
B/W/R Pikula For Carl Sagan 6/29/2010
Zoo Sean Mangner 2010 SCG 5K Legacy Open - St. Louis 9th-16th 6/28/2010
Zoo Mark Larson 2010 SCG 5K Legacy Open - St. Louis 9th-16th 6/28/2010
Zoo Cody Damm 2010 SCG 5K Legacy Open - St. Louis 5th-8th 6/28/2010
Zoo noblefisher 6/27/2010
Money xheron 6/24/2010
Zoo stodo 6/23/2010
Zoo Legacy Air83 6/22/2010
dragon rean. pls help deckstorage2 6/22/2010
fireblast zoo mkniffen 6/16/2010
Boros Burn oddioguy45 6/15/2010
Zoo Daniel Marley 2010 SCG 5K Legacy Open - Seattle 5th-8th 6/14/2010
Zoo John McFadden 2010 SCG 5K Legacy Open - Seattle 3rd-4th 6/14/2010
Zoo Matt Smith 2010 SCG 5K Legacy Open - Seattle 2nd 6/14/2010
Zoo Stephen Nagy 2010 SCG 5K Legacy Open - Philadephia 5th-8th 6/7/2010
Zoo Matt Elias 2010 SCG 5K Legacy Open - Philadephia 1st 6/7/2010

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