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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 2351 - 2400 of 2991 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Soldiers! sparty 8/11/2009
Soldiers and Cheese Maveric 8/6/2009
LoseTheGame arelian 8/6/2009
Angels Poltergeist 8/5/2009
Heaven's Wrathmakers arkillias 8/5/2009
Sliver Queen EDH Prozerran 8/5/2009
Platinum Transmuter ArcRaven 8/4/2009
Landed Stranded Aquabuddy 8/3/2009
Platinum Combo mmmken 8/3/2009
Card Reaper halfwhitinc2 8/3/2009
Captain America Walrus McGee 7/31/2009
Chant Controll phantom 7/30/2009
Ridiculous relentles rats 7hawk77 7/30/2009
Cruel Control Bryan Mohr 2009 PTQ Austin: Louisville II, USA 5th-8th 7/30/2009
Holier Than Thou wretchedest 7/30/2009
Time Sieve t5mith 7/29/2009
Jamie Mackintosh's Elves d4rkphilosophe 7/28/2009
Elves! Andrés Higuera 2009 Nationals: Colombian 2nd 7/27/2009
artifact discard jrezky 7/26/2009
bant j_levelle 7/24/2009
fog combo catz123458 7/23/2009
Casual.dec Loveless 7/23/2009
White Wishes shane35007 7/22/2009
TRANSMUTE GO Protentia1 7/21/2009
Elves Jamie Mackintosh 2009 Nationals: Australia 1st 7/20/2009
WUG Soldiers BCKrogoth 7/19/2009
Polygentious tempestfury 7/19/2009
Turbo Fog 50$$cent 7/18/2009
Tooth and Tron karias 7/15/2009
Artifacts Kill jdog29 7/12/2009
USAF Loveless 7/10/2009
teneb reanimator edh Magus0fdaMoon 7/9/2009
Welder Reanimator mogo222 7/8/2009
Esper Artifacts Sclodiggity 7/6/2009
Mana Ichorid Arnaldi Nicolò 09-06-14 WL #12 Vintage 3rd-4th 6/30/2009
Esper Summon Übertoten 6/26/2009
Scarecrow Wolfetoken 6/10/2009
Urzatron SCBMtG 6/6/2009
Transmute Esper parade0014 6/5/2009
MUD Alexander Samaniego 2009-06-16 5 LVV 2009 3rd-4th 6/5/2009
Rogue Martin Bonneville 2009-05-16 Quebec Vintage Mai 3rd-4th 6/2/2009
Tezzeret's Vault Bruno Dumontier 2009-05-16 Quebec Vintage Mai 2nd 6/2/2009
artifact aggro phantom 6/1/2009
Highlander mudafokin moggfanatic 5/31/2009
Ichorid Clemens Wolff 2009-05-16 Karlsruhe Legacy 2nd 5/28/2009
mill retriever moggfanatic 5/27/2009
Nicol Bolas Control Bradley Flinn 2009 National Qualifier: Halifax, Canada 2nd 5/27/2009
aggro 2 phantom 5/24/2009
Rage of Boros doncerdo 5/24/2009
aggro phantom 5/24/2009

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