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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 701 - 750 of 775 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Rock chaselunatic 8/3/2013
8/2/13 draft Hyperdevo89 8/3/2013
Junk rotation stony 8/3/2013
Jund Counters Omega656 8/3/2013
Jund Midrange Lee Shi Tian 2013 Magic World Championship - Standard 9th-16th 8/3/2013
Naya Midrange Gamelin_AVP 8/2/2013
Monogreen Midrange Richard Taylor Standard Silver TCQ - Red Sky Comics - 7/28/13 3rd-4th 8/2/2013
Selesyna Midrange garrro01 8/2/2013
adds shm m14 supitsloki 7/31/2013
Darker Junk nickmembrez 7/31/2013
RG Slivers Sporter5 7/31/2013
Prime Speaker Bant (Block bertschtree3 7/31/2013
Selesnya poplate Dalduros 7/30/2013
Golgari Control Trent Douglas 2013 Grand Prix Calgary - 7/27 5th-8th 7/29/2013
Beast Master Chris w L 7/29/2013
Selesnya Populate alfonso 7/29/2013
Jund Midrange David Reed 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Somerset - 7/27 1st 7/29/2013
mono verde markox 7/29/2013
Big-Ass Bant Robert Merlow 7/29/2013
Golgari control Google 7/29/2013
Bant edh lbirch24 7/28/2013
BUG midrange Holyeros 7/28/2013
GW LL Mangoblaster85 7/27/2013
Damia bug infect Cwalkith666 7/27/2013
G/U aggro Quban013 7/27/2013
GW MidRange (thoughts?) Propaganda510 7/27/2013
cube adds SHM M14 supitsloki 7/25/2013
prime-evil slivers redneck3000 7/25/2013
U/G control Mr.Timmy 7/25/2013
Skull Briar EDH remfan1988 7/25/2013
Sliver Authority Zarar 7/25/2013
Borborygmos Enraged EDH kilroyisjace 7/24/2013
Mono Green Beats bertschtree3 7/24/2013
Selesnyan Assault Hulksmashems 7/24/2013
Green ramp lazer28 7/24/2013
Green mid CavemanDan 7/23/2013
Primeval Elf Surge khaossaint 7/23/2013
Mono Green Hyper Aggro tsommers41 7/23/2013
Elf Ramp (suggestions pls llpatton95 7/23/2013
Jund Midrange Jayson Chandler Standard Platinum TCQ - Standish, ME - 7/20/13 3rd-4th 7/23/2013
Bant Bounty Results MtgJared 7/23/2013
Green/Black/White slimjames 7/23/2013
Monogreen Midrange Richard Nguyen 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Richmond - 7/21 3rd-4th 7/22/2013
Counter Strike sycorez 7/21/2013
Garruk's Summer Tyekai 7/21/2013
Mono Green Beasts DaBrick 7/21/2013
Mono Elves emangamer 7/20/2013
Catcubev3b catmurderer 7/19/2013
Jund Post-Rot kenny19 7/19/2013
Mono green Ramp post M14 Drakulenas 7/19/2013

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