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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 401 - 450 of 775 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Brothers of Destruction V darthjeep 1/31/2014
U/G Hydra jgizzi 1/28/2014
R/G Ramp cthomas2four 1/27/2014
Rock Your World Ajjaxx 1/27/2014
Mono Greeny Mavrick025 1/26/2014
RG Devotion - Breno Dmdoido 1/23/2014
Junk Midrange Mavrick025 1/19/2014
FNM (2014/01/17) - 1st DemonicSei 1/17/2014
Monogreen Druids Mirouni 1/15/2014
Bant Aggro/Midrange Vincentilforte 1/13/2014
bant control Dunharrow 1/12/2014
Golgari Midrange manaflood (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 12/30/13 1/12/2014
Gruul Mid Dunharrow 1/12/2014
Trostani :D Will_Power 1/12/2014
RUG Midrange bySAS stahlsc 1/11/2014
random bant titan222 1/11/2014
BUG Midrange Dunharrow 1/11/2014
mono-green RockHound 1/8/2014
pull the RUG crovaxcurse 1/7/2014
junk midrange deckstorage3 1/6/2014
4cc rescues gary WIP deckstorage3 1/4/2014
BUG wall controll davee669 1/3/2014
G/U rexcat4 1/2/2014
Animar's Toy Box 2.0 ColeSpire 12/31/2013
Mean Green Alchoholic MTG 12/30/2013
selesnya aggro CavemanDan 12/30/2013
Rafiq of the Many Will_Power 12/29/2013
GW Token paulthebox 12/29/2013
Nylea Mono G Quacksalvar 12/29/2013
Bant Control KingCrow 12/29/2013
asdf ezaraku 12/28/2013
Ramped Bant Emmanuel87 12/27/2013
Dione BG control Dicehs 12/26/2013
UG Devotion Teh Original Forker (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 12/9/13 12/26/2013
defender mill SALOmandra 12/26/2013
BG Devotion Ofelia 2013 Standard MOCS - 12/15 9th-16th 12/26/2013
Mono Green Devotion Arnelion 12/25/2013
Marath EDH sirwaldus 12/24/2013
G/U Breed of the Gods rexcat4 12/23/2013
Derevi, Empyrial Tacticia johanneson 12/19/2013
BUG Mid prophet 3rdi flight 12/16/2013
Simic Flasher crovaxcurse 12/16/2013
RUG Devotion Ashwin Ugale MaxPoint Platinum - HotSauce Games - 12/14/13 5th-8th 12/16/2013
GU Vampirisim94 12/14/2013
Green Devotion OCPrime 12/14/2013
Gruul Midrange tawm6 12/13/2013
Golgari Midrange Kibler MTGO Standard Events - Week of 12/2/13 3rd-4th 12/13/2013
Zegana Std EDH WriterofWrong 12/12/2013
BoBo Enraged Std EDH WriterofWrong 12/12/2013
Urban Revolution OCPrime 12/11/2013

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