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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 7551 - 7600 of 9858 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
roon philB 5/2/2015
Skithiryx EDH epicjuicebox 5/1/2015
Elves shinysyduck 5/1/2015
Abzan Rally Zach Jesse 2015 Regional PTQ Greensboro - 4/25 5th-8th 5/1/2015
Sultai Reanimator Javier Vasallo 2015 Regional PTQ Buenos Aires - 4/25 3rd-4th 5/1/2015
BG Delve Mirouni 4/30/2015
Sheoldred, whispering one R1e2D 4/30/2015
4C Superfriends Frank Lepore 4/30/2015
4C Superfriends Sam Stoddard 4/30/2015
Junk theruister 4/29/2015
Tiny Selvala blueballs 4/29/2015
Naya Ramp Seth Manfield 4/28/2015
Collected Company Bobby Colegrove 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Cleveland - 4/26 9th-16th 4/27/2015
Erebos BioEradication 4/27/2015
Karametra BioEradication 4/27/2015
Naya Midrange Ashwin Ugale MaxPoint Platinum - Hotsauce Games - 4/18/15 3rd-4th 4/27/2015
Venser Midrange Help? Scottlingley 4/24/2015
Abzan Aggro Jon Corpora 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Syracuse - 4/4 4/24/2015
Monogreen Aggro sheepje (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 4/6/15 4/24/2015
Sultai Reanimator OhSnap (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 4/6/15 4/24/2015
4C Reanimator krazykirby4 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 4/6/15 4/24/2015
Rafiq of the Many Beats LtRawks 4/24/2015
Sultai Reanimator LaturaTheTrainer (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 4/6/15 4/23/2015
Sultai Reanimator MagicLair (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 4/6/15 4/23/2015
RG Midrange bob125281 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/30/15 4/23/2015
4C Delve John Mezinko MaxPoint Silver - Frogtown Hobbies - 4/11/15 3rd-4th 4/22/2015
Abzan Reanimator Oliver Tomajko 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Providence - 4/18 1st 4/21/2015
4C Reanimator Dustin Taylor 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Providence - 4/18 3rd-4th 4/21/2015
Elves Samuel Blau 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Providence - 4/19 9th-16th 4/21/2015
Elves Nicholas Malatesta 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Providence - 4/19 9th-16th 4/21/2015
GW Collected Company Antonio Del Moral Leon 2015 Grand Prix Krakow - 4/18 9th-16th 4/21/2015
current standard* shino353 4/20/2015
Mono Green Aggro dpg20 4/18/2015
Sultai Reanimator Willy Edel Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir 4/15/2015
Sultai Reanimator Dan Lanthier Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir 4/15/2015
RG Midrange Sam Black Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir 9th-16th 4/15/2015
GW Aggro Bram Snapvangers Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir 4/15/2015
GW Devotion TBS (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/30/15 4/15/2015
GR Devotion Hampuse1 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/30/15 4/15/2015
Necrotic Ooze Combo William Bradford 2015 Modern State Championships - New Jersey 5th-8th 4/14/2015
sultai delve metalheaded22 4/14/2015
Temur Dragons hir0shige 4/13/2015
GR Devotion Thomas Hendriks Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir 5th-8th 4/13/2015
Venser Gifts Darth_Revan (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/30/15 4/13/2015
Slivers 2 tenkuken 4/12/2015
GR Devotion Andrew Fredella TCGplayer Open 5K Orlando, FL - 4/11/2015 9th-16th 4/12/2015
Jund midrange 2 zulrock 4/10/2015
Jund midrange coryw010 4/10/2015
G/w Devotion cade34 4/10/2015
Collected Company Eric Wagenheim 2015 Modern State Championships - Michigan 3rd-4th 4/9/2015

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