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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 7751 - 7800 of 9858 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Naya Tokens Craig Wescoe 2015 Grand Prix Memphis - 2/21 2/25/2015
Gruul Aggro Tiny Leaders FL!P$TA 2/24/2015
GR Devotion zbishop (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/16/15 2/24/2015
GR Devotion Volrathth (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/16/15 2/24/2015
Bennie's Sidisi theliontamer 2/24/2015
Temur turns controlfreak44 2/24/2015
Naya Tokens David Moline 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Los Angeles - 2/21 2nd 2/24/2015
GR Devotion William Miller 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Los Angeles - 2/21 3rd-4th 2/24/2015
GR Devotion Simon Sung 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Los Angeles - 2/21 9th-16th 2/24/2015
infinite turns amaxwell123 2/23/2015
Temur Ascendancy FernanFSU 2/21/2015
Monogreen Devotion papado90 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/9/15 2/21/2015
FNM (2015/02/20) - 1st DemonicSei 2/20/2015
Sidsi Whip wuzzifizit 2/20/2015
Naya Tokens Craig Wescoe 2/20/2015
Selesnya Ramp MatthewOry 2/19/2015
Abzan Aggro k1in (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/9/15 2/19/2015
GR Devotion 4lter3go 2/19/2015
ezuri edh TrickyDisco 2/18/2015
4C Delve TheDarkKnight (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/2/15 2/18/2015
Sultai Reanimator fibero23 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/2/15 2/18/2015
GU Devotion Manbearpanda (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/2/15 2/18/2015
Monogreen Devotion Matsui Shintarou Fate Reforged Game Day (happymtg) - 2/15/15 1st 2/18/2015
Battle Rage Red Seth Manfield 2/17/2015
Bow Down EDH Jelani 2/17/2015
Monogreen Devotion Manuel Amador Barrero 2015 Grand Prix Seville - 2/14 9th-16th 2/17/2015
Sultai Reanimator Alexandre Habert 2015 Grand Prix Seville - 2/14 5th-8th 2/17/2015
Aluren bertschtree3 2/17/2015
Dark Maverick bertschtree3 2/16/2015
GR Devotion Robert Berni 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Houston - 2/14 1st 2/16/2015
GR Devotion Tannon Grace 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Houston - 2/14 5th-8th 2/16/2015
GB Constellation James Bruno 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Houston - 2/14 9th-16th 2/16/2015
GR Devotion Joshua Anker TCGplayer Open 5K Cleveland, OH - 2/14/2105 9th-16th 2/16/2015
Temur Ascendancy Combo Connor Bowman TCGplayer Open 5K Cleveland, OH - 2/14/2105 1st 2/16/2015
MonoG Blast 4lter3go 2/16/2015
G/R Devotion Jahhhhhvie 2/15/2015
RG Devotion vishra 2/14/2015
Guided by Nature Tristamicus 2/14/2015
Chromantiflayer Khelok 2/13/2015
Jund Reanimator ElHefe 2/13/2015
Abzan Aggro Richard Meacher 2015 Player Appreciation - Catskill, NY 5th-8th 2/12/2015
Abzan Aggro Travis Reed 2015 Player Appreciation - Jenks, OK 2nd 2/12/2015
5C Flayer John Cuvelier 2/12/2015
Peasent cu mizike1337 2/11/2015
Tasigur's Time WriterofWrong 2/11/2015
Jund FRF aalistor 2/11/2015
Legacy Lives Floatwall 2/11/2015
Elves dwchang 2/11/2015
Sultai Reanimator Nick Stogsdill 2015 Player Appreciation - Auburn, NY 5th-8th 2/10/2015
Abzan Aggro Justin Huffman 2015 Player Appreciation - Auburn, NY 5th-8th 2/10/2015

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