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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 2951 - 3000 of 4055 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Goblins Erik Brown 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Los Angeles - 9/16 5th-8th 9/17/2012
Canadian Threshold Francis Yao 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Los Angeles - 9/16 9th-16th 9/17/2012
U/W Miracle Klavine 9/16/2012
Nic Fit Scapeshift y3roc42 9/14/2012
RUG Tempo BloodCovenent 9/13/2012
red deck wins aakhus4 9/11/2012
Goblins nitehauk 9/10/2012
Team Italia Cody Lingelbach 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Portland - 9/9 3rd-4th 9/10/2012
Canadian Threshold Steven Cserfoi 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Portland - 9/9 3rd-4th 9/10/2012
Goblins Jesse Roberts 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Portland - 9/9 5th-8th 9/10/2012
Hive Mind Bryon Jones 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Portland - 9/9 9th-16th 9/10/2012
Goblins Daniel Sonderland 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Portland - 9/9 9th-16th 9/10/2012
Team Italia KingHrothgar 9/9/2012
Burn nitehauk 9/9/2012
Burn BRGigi 9/7/2012
pricecheck Bobboyjoe 9/7/2012
Show and Know Colin Chilbert 9/6/2012
Show and Know Florian Koch 2012 Grand Prix Ghent - 7/21 9/6/2012
Goblins Kenny Dungar 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Minneapolis - 9/2 3rd-4th 9/3/2012
Scapeshift Eric Warns 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Minneapolis - 9/2 5th-8th 9/3/2012
Canadian Threshold Joshua Wiitanen 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Minneapolis - 9/2 9th-16th 9/3/2012
Sneak and Tell Luke Webb 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Minneapolis - 9/2 9th-16th 9/3/2012
Canadian Threshold Dustin Lussier 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Minneapolis - 9/2 9th-16th 9/3/2012
UR Delver Sheiffer 9/3/2012
Miracles megasqid 9/2/2012
Omniscience iAdams 9/1/2012
Riku Kekkouneko 8/31/2012
Painted Stone Chauncey 8/29/2012
Canadian Threshold Barrett Kroeger 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Denver - 8/26 5th-8th 8/27/2012
Painted Stone Jason Lemmer 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Denver - 8/26 9th-16th 8/27/2012
Canadian Threshold Erik Farnsworth 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Denver - 8/26 9th-16th 8/27/2012
Goblins James Hitchens 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Denver - 8/26 9th-16th 8/27/2012
belcher hunter113 8/26/2012
T 1,5 - Show and Troll loerien 8/24/2012
Zoo willyumis 8/23/2012
mono red WP! 8/21/2012
Canadian Threshold Paulo Cesari Legacy Silver TCQ - Camillus, NY - 7/21/12 1st 8/21/2012
R/G Beats gturner01 8/21/2012
Goblins Brad Campbell 2012 Legacy Championship 3rd-4th 8/20/2012
Sneak and Tell Chris Bergeson 2012 Legacy Championship 1st 8/20/2012
Show and tell cade34 8/18/2012
4c Aggro Loam braggro1989 8/18/2012
Grixis Control Marc Lanigra 2012 Vintage Championship 1st 8/18/2012
4x4 RDW snags70 8/17/2012
Goblin 2 ErTy 8/13/2012
BURN RDW TJPS1124 8/8/2012
Canadian Threshold Travis Gibson 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Washington DC - 8/5 1st 8/8/2012
UW Miracles Kurt Spiess 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Washington DC - 8/5 5th-8th 8/8/2012
Red Deck Wins Jay Shield 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Washington DC - 8/5 9th-16th 8/8/2012
Canadian Threshold Jesse Hatfield 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Washington DC - 8/5 9th-16th 8/8/2012

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