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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 5901 - 5950 of 6337 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Vengeant Control 1.1 defamography 10/18/2008
zombies clyde10 10/18/2008
Token Fires V1.1 defamography 10/18/2008
UBW Lark bigblopper 10/18/2008
Esper Arti handddong1 10/18/2008
Reveillock JTAubrey 10/18/2008
Makeshift Yourmanagain jayrider81 10/17/2008
Sovereign defamography 10/17/2008
Cruel Toast penguinche 10/16/2008
mannequin 4 win themaster224 10/16/2008
UWb MannequinFlare lamo 10/16/2008
bant 1.4 mag1c_master 10/16/2008
Espaggro bstsauver 10/15/2008
Power > Casting Cost Zoo TheMenace 10/15/2008
R/G/B LD Xaos778 10/15/2008
Mannequin Flare AiP Hysteria 10/15/2008
Ajani's L/D handddong1 10/15/2008
Plane/Time Walkers MTGN00B 10/14/2008
Old School Control Blair_of_Subdual 10/14/2008
EsperLark Blair_of_Subdual 10/14/2008
Nightsky Rock Blair_of_Subdual 10/14/2008
charms better mana ieatbabies 10/14/2008
charms ieatbabies 10/14/2008
Doran ALA Greg McCleery 10/14/2008
5-Color Control counterbob 10/14/2008
Doran+ Lark = Dork! bstsauver 10/13/2008
tempo lark handddong1 10/13/2008
Stoic Control Remix deathmask 10/13/2008
New Q&T jayme18 10/13/2008
Devour.dec Howard_Roark 10/13/2008
Jund Aggro Maxim_D 10/13/2008
ubw control dfabassist1 10/13/2008
Esper Justice Artishok 10/13/2008
RBg tokens rpg_player1 10/13/2008
bant with the pros #2 mag1c_master 10/12/2008
Mannequin Wins handddong1 10/12/2008
Esper control klubbkappa 10/12/2008
Raven's River(Kelpie) Lynx_the_one 10/12/2008
Demigod of RDW jdoucette24 10/12/2008
Oversoul of Bant vandal62 10/12/2008
Doran-Rock jdoucette24 10/12/2008
stoic control clyde10 10/11/2008
Hungry Hungry Elf Grenade penguinche 10/11/2008
Manequin herokid92 10/11/2008
bANT d3@th 10/11/2008
SinisterPlot AggroControl Envoy of Chaos 10/10/2008
Bant Control Tarvalon 10/10/2008
Bantrol jayrider81 10/10/2008
Titanic Slaughter. SGTslappy 10/10/2008
Titanic Mana jayrider81 10/10/2008

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