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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 551 - 600 of 2074 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Scapeshift Pedestrian MTGO Modern Premier - 6894836 - 3/23/14 9th-16th 3/28/2014
Melek LoneCrusader 3/26/2014
Isochron Delay l0rdw4ffu1z 3/22/2014
Nekusar EDH Prockhimself 3/20/2014
EDH/Cube Zippy 3/8/2014
Jund Burn dkay182 3/5/2014
Brain Drain Kitai 2/13/2014
Nivmizit cj654 2/6/2014
Xenagos Infect Fling Railian86 1/30/2014
Monored burn miwa 1/26/2014
Jhoira Semi-Budget rafael001 1/21/2014
Cromat Narular 1/14/2014
Combo EDH Riku TheCraftyLlama 12/30/2013
Everybody wins MyrMaster1 12/20/2013
Blackxp's Jhoira Deck Blackxp 12/13/2013
nekusar D@N 12/12/2013
Kaervek Punishment akahaji 11/29/2013
Deck Dismember PhonyGod 11/25/2013
EDH Lyzolda filioo 11/21/2013
Aurelia The FUN Ghos7t 11/19/2013
Izzet Possible hayagriva 11/18/2013
Nekusar, the Mindrazer abyssal 11/16/2013
Pegano edutsubaza 11/13/2013
God of the Goblin Forge gormesh 11/11/2013
Hugs of Nekusar darkscion1 11/11/2013
Wortz MusicKing69 11/7/2013
2-Mana FTW Sporter5 10/25/2013
Chandra's Wrath Goodmead 10/20/2013
Melekhaos haproon 10/19/2013
Graveyardz combatoptimus 10/17/2013
Gaka Norin Staar003 10/16/2013
dragon storm nilson 9/27/2013
Pure Chaos niyte 9/21/2013
1 Zirilan of the Claw 1 H Confirm4Crit 9/15/2013
Gisela Tokens Verity 9/15/2013
burn and throw joel4003 9/2/2013
Red Mono Aggro Arnelion 8/30/2013
Red Aggro Arnelion 8/30/2013
Heartless vinxero 8/30/2013
1/1 Win One mister fishman 8/29/2013
Naya Midrange Ryosuke Nomura 2013 Grand Prix Kitakyushu - 8/24 3rd-4th 8/26/2013
valakut billybones79 8/25/2013
Miracle Whip Factory johntmssf 8/24/2013
RU Tempo quickfire01 8/19/2013
lans Slashveto 8/17/2013
RED QUICK BURN MrTelemag 8/16/2013
Big Red Nick Neill Standard Bronze TCQ - Saugus, CA - 8/10/13 1st 8/16/2013
Gruul Midrange Matt Stone VIP Qualifier - Milford, MA 5th-8th 8/13/2013
EDH Izzet/Niv Tidal 8/13/2013
monoredlanddest IdrisElba 8/8/2013

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