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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 201 - 250 of 331 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
W/U Flash Jacob Wilson 2016 Grand Prix Denver 9th-16th 12/5/2016
W/U Flash Jacob Nagro 2016 Grand Prix Denver 3rd-4th 12/5/2016
W/U Flash Rob Pisano 2016 Grand Prix Denver 3rd-4th 12/5/2016
Temur Energy Clay Gereffi SCG Classic Standard - Atlanta - 12/03/16 9th-16th 12/5/2016
Esper Aggro Lee Steht SCG Classic Standard - Atlanta - 12/03/16 1st 12/5/2016
Esper Aggro Jim Davis SCG Invitational Standard - Atlanta - 12/2/16 3rd-4th 12/5/2016
White-Blue Flash Charles Eliatamby 2016 Grand Prix Madrid 33rd-64th 12/5/2016
Mardu Vehicles Jeremy Payen 2016 Grand Prix Madrid 33rd-64th 12/5/2016
White-Blue Flash Peter Ward 2016 Grand Prix Madrid 33rd-64th 12/4/2016
White-Blue Flash Yu Pan Jacky Chan 2016 Grand Prix Madrid 33rd-64th 12/4/2016
White-Blue Flash Francesco Giorgio 2016 Grand Prix Madrid 33rd-64th 12/4/2016
White-Blue Flash Lukas Twist 2016 Grand Prix Madrid 33rd-64th 12/4/2016
Blue-Red Control Jose Albano 2016 Grand Prix Madrid 17th-32nd 12/4/2016
White-Blue Flash Georgiy Mardiev 2016 Grand Prix Madrid 33rd-64th 12/4/2016
White-Blue Flash Michele Lo Conte 2016 Grand Prix Madrid 17th-32nd 12/4/2016
White-Blue Flash Gerardo D'Elia 2016 Grand Prix Madrid 17th-32nd 12/4/2016
Blue-Red Control Peter Vieren 2016 Grand Prix Madrid 17th-32nd 12/4/2016
Bant Midrange Matija Vlahovic 2016 Grand Prix Madrid 17th-32nd 12/4/2016
White-Blue Flash Bart van Etten 2016 Grand Prix Madrid 9th-16th 12/4/2016
White-Blue Flash Kasper Nielsen 2016 Grand Prix Madrid 9th-16th 12/4/2016
White-Blue Flash Antonio Del Moral León 2016 Grand Prix Madrid 9th-16th 12/4/2016
White-Blue Flash Adrian Ramiro Cano 2016 Grand Prix Madrid 5th-8th 12/4/2016
Control Donniesaur 12/3/2016
Control Donniesaur 12/3/2016
TermoDenavolt for poor Arc4aik 12/3/2016
U/R Dyna Visions GoodGuyDad 12/2/2016
Bant Aggro jthorn9 12/2/2016
BLUE CONTROL XSlayer2009 12/1/2016
UW Flash Tri11pod 12/1/2016
Jeskai Control Seth Manfield 11/30/2016
mardu guara Glaciuz 11/30/2016
G/U Energy shazzboot 11/30/2016
Metalworks YroPro 11/28/2016
Jeskai Control FlumeToSplume 11/28/2016
Jeskai Control Sammysosa12 11/24/2016
White-Blue Flash DeepFinesse MTGO Competitive Standard League (5-0): 11/18 1st 11/23/2016
WU Flash Andy Vess SCG Open Standard - Knoxville - 11/19/16 17th-32nd 11/22/2016
WU Flash Lucas Kiefer SCG Open Standard - Knoxville - 11/19/16 17th-32nd 11/22/2016
WU Flash David Jones SCG Open Standard - Knoxville - 11/19/16 17th-32nd 11/22/2016
WU Flash Stephen Bonfardin SCG Open Standard - Knoxville - 11/19/16 17th-32nd 11/22/2016
WU Flash Adrian Nestico SCG Open Standard - Knoxville - 11/19/16 9th-16th 11/22/2016
WU Flash Chris Andersen SCG Open Standard - Knoxville - 11/19/16 9th-16th 11/22/2016
WU Flash Christopher Johnson SCG Open Standard - Knoxville - 11/19/16 5th-8th 11/22/2016
WU Flash Emma Handy SCG Open Standard - Knoxville - 11/19/16 5th-8th 11/22/2016
WU Flash Joshua Mason SCG Open Standard - Knoxville - 11/19/16 5th-8th 11/22/2016
Jeskai Control Bradley Hill SCG Open Standard - Knoxville - 11/19/16 2nd 11/22/2016
Frack Everything YroPro 11/21/2016
Bant Aggro Daniel Byington SCG Classic Standard - Baltimore - 11/06/16 3rd-4th 11/18/2016
Mardu Vehicles Christian Imperial SCG Classic Standard - Baltimore - 11/06/16 9th-16th 11/18/2016
W/U Flash Chris Andersen SCG Classic Standard - Baltimore - 11/06/16 5th-8th 11/18/2016

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