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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 501 - 550 of 991 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Esper Stone-Blade Ben Friedman 2012 StarCity Invitational Legacy - Baltimore 5th-8th 3/26/2012
mono U edh TeamSexAppeal 3/26/2012
Azami Soceos 3/25/2012
Mono blue arcanis ace_kazuma 3/21/2012
Esper Blade Tokens normanfried 3/20/2012
Esper Stone-Blade Michael Hetrick 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Sacramento - 3/18 5th-8th 3/19/2012
UW Stoneblade k2thej 3/16/2012
Esper Control tozarr 3/15/2012
Esper Stone-Blade Bernard Wen 2012 Grand Prix Indianapolis - Day 1 Undefeated 3/13/2012
UW Stone-Blade Darin Minard 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Dallas - 3/11 9th-16th 3/12/2012
UW Stone-Blade Dustin Biggers 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Dallas - 3/11 9th-16th 3/12/2012
UB Wizards wowhitlock 3/7/2012
UW Stone-Blade Xin Sui 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Tampa - 3/4 5th-8th 3/5/2012
UW Stoneforge Acustar 3/5/2012
U/W Stoneblade mebesse15 3/4/2012
Braids EDH d15tort10n 3/2/2012
UW Stone-Blade Justin Geary 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Memphis - 2/26 5th-8th 2/27/2012
Oona, Queen of Fae EDH Avvoltoio 2/27/2012
U/G Survival MarryJewWanna 2/21/2012
UW Stone-Blade George Goanos 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Charlotte - 2/19 9th-16th 2/20/2012
Momir Vig shenanigans thedarkside 2/16/2012
thrax control Zerg 2/16/2012
UW Stone-Blade Jeremiah Haywood 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Cincinnati - 2/12 9th-16th 2/13/2012
UW Stone-Blade Peter Tragos 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Cincinnati - 2/12 9th-16th 2/13/2012
Esper Stone-Blade Bernie Wen 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Cincinnati - 2/12 5th-8th 2/13/2012
BUG - Legacy devan09 2/12/2012
Thada 2 madeinch1n4 2/9/2012
Azami Misguider 2/7/2012
U/B Exalted AndresRios 2/7/2012
azami kilki 2/7/2012
UW Stone-Blade Ben Isgur 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Richmond - 2/5 9th-16th 2/6/2012
Grixis Aggro Javier Arevalo 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Richmond - 2/5 5th-8th 2/6/2012
UW Stone-Blade Ben Friedman 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Richmond - 2/5 5th-8th 2/6/2012
Azami PotatoePaul 2/4/2012
Trinketop monoU wishmaster87 2/3/2012
Phyrexian Dreadnought wowhitlock 1/31/2012
26 Grix - Comment??? INSIGHT 1/29/2012
Riku Goodstuff GFireflyE 1/26/2012
Snapclamp the_wookie454 1/25/2012
Oona, Queen of the Fae yaminick 1/23/2012
sad AileStrike 1/22/2012
fun legacy Teapot 1/22/2012
UW Stone-Blade Mark Ivezaj 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Los Angeles - 1/15 9th-16th 1/18/2012
UW Stone-Blade William Miller 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Los Angeles - 1/15 2nd 1/18/2012
UB Control A/V AndresRios 1/15/2012
Bant(blade) alexisagoblin 1/15/2012
UW devan09 1/14/2012
esper blade slaughtercult 1/11/2012
Ninz Dinosaur1 1/11/2012
UW Stone-Blade Kevin Holdson 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Atlanta - 1/8 9th-16th 1/9/2012

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